C o m m e m o r a t i v e    C o i n s  
The edge embossing on the Portuguese 2‐Euro‐commemorative coins is :

(The edge shows seven forts and five heraldic shields)
Portuguese mint marks
until 2019 : INCM
from 2020 :
Image Country Date Feature Ref. Volume  
Portugal 26 Mar. 2007 50th anniversary of the Signature of the Treaty of Rome 20001


Description : The Treaty establishing the European Community, called the Treaty of Rome (originally called the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community and renamed the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union in December 2009) was signed on 25 March 1957 by Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands at the Conservatory Palace in Rome. It came into force on 1st of January 1958. At the same time two other treaties were concluded, the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, which established EURATOM, and the Agreement on Institutions Common to the European Communities, which stipulated that the European Economic Community (EEC), the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) and the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) had a common parliamentary assembly (now the European Parliament), a common Court of Justice and a common Economic and Social Committee. On the 5th of May 2006, EU Commissioner Joaquín Almunia and Eurogroup President Jean‐Claude Juncker announced the first transnational 2‐Euro commemorative coin to mark the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. The directors of the Italian mint Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, the Spanish mint Real Casa de la Moneda and the Austrian Mint Münze Österreich AG met in Vienna to exchange ideas. The ideas were presented and amalgamated into a design by the commissioned engraver Helmut Andexlinger, after approval he produced a model of the coin. It shows the treaty with the signatures of the representatives from the six founding states, framed by the pavement pattern of the Capitol Square in Rome, designed by Michelangelo where the treaty was signed.
National characteristics : At the top are the words "TRATADO DE ROMA" (Treaty of Rome) and "50 ANOS" (50 years), below it is an illustration of the treaty with the words "EUROPA" below that is the year "2007" and the country name "PORTUGAL". The mint mark "INCM" of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon is on the right.
Portugal 02 Jul. 2007 Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union 20001


Description : Maria Irene Vilar chose a cork oak to symbolise Europe. These evergreen deciduous trees grow in Portugal over an area of 7,500 square kilometres and in the neighbouring Spanish autonomous community of Extremadura. Portugal is the world's largest cork poducent. On the left of the trunk ‐ as in the coat of arms of Portugal ‐ the coat of arms is depicted on an armillary sphere, to the right of which the country's name "PORTUGAL" is written in three lines. Below, in a semicircle from left to right, are the designer's signature, the year "2007", "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon and the occasion of issue "PRESIDÊNCIA DO CONSELHO DA UE" (EU Council Presidency).
Portugal 15 Sep. 2008 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 20001


Description : At the session of the United Nations General Assembly held at the Palais de Chaillot in Paris on the 10th of December 1948, Resolution 217 was adopted with the ‐ legally non‐binding ‐ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Its Article 1 reads: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights". The coin pays tribute to this resolution. At the top ‐ as in the coat of arms of Portugal ‐ the coat of arms is depicted on an armillary sphere, below it the name of the issuing country "PORTUGAL" and the year "2008". The lower half shows, stylised, a group of fifteen people. The occasion of issue "60 ANOS DA DECLARAÇÃO UNIVERSAL DOS DIREITOS HUMANOS" (60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) is mentioned in a circle on the edge of the pill. At the top right is the signet "Esc.J.Duarte" of the sculptor (Portuguese Escultor = Esc.) and coin designer João Duarte and "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon.
Portugal 05 Feb. 2009 10 years of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) 20001


Description : In 1972 the European Exchange Rate Mechanism was created to limit fluctuations between currencies. In 1975 a basket of currencies was used to define the European Currency Unit (ECU) and in 1979 the European Monetary System was created. 1990 saw the start of the first stage of European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and in 1994 the second stage, during which the European Monetary Institute prepared for the establishment of the European Central Bank (ECB). In 1996 the European Commission established the currency abbreviation €. In 1999, saw the third stage of EMU, all participating currencies were linked to the euro by exchange rate parity. In 2008 a design competition was held for the EMU Community Edition coin and out of 5 proposals a winner, Georgios Stamatopoulos was determined by an online vote. The design shows a stylised human stick figure on the blank space of an irregularly shaped ancient coin, with the € symbol on the left arm. It symbolises the transition from the bartering of archaic times to European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Below the € symbol are the designer's initials "ΓΣ" and the years "1999‐2009".
National characteristics : Above is the name of the issuing country "Portugal", the acronym of the occasion of issue below is "UEM". The coin was minted without mint mark by the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon.
Portugal 09 Jun. 2009 Lusophony Games 2009 20001


Description : The coin, minted on the occasion of the Lusofonia Games held in Lisbon within the framework of the Community of Portuguese‐Speaking Countries, shows a sports gymnast with a ribbon. At the top is the shield of the Portuguese coat of arms, which is surrounded in a semicircle by the country's name "PORTUGAL". At the bottom of the pill the occasion of issue "2os JOGOS DA LUSOFONIA LISBOA" (2nd Lusofonia Games Lisbon) is depicted, flanked on the left by "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon, on the right by the signet "J. AURÉLIO" of the designer José Aurélio. The year of issue "2009" appears on the left above the head of the sports gymnast. The coin ring is decorated with eight concentric circles, superimposed by the twelve stars of Europe.
Portugal 07 Sep. 2010 Centenary of the Portuguese Republic 20001
20002 20005


Description : The coin commemorates the 100th anniversary of the first Portuguese Republic. After the murder of a member of parliament on the 3rd of October 1910, riots broke out in Lisbon. A provisional government proclaimed the Republic on the 5th of October 1910. The coin presents two important symbols of the Republic: the coat of arms and the República. The Efígie da República is modelled after Eugène Delacroix's Liberty, with a Phrygian cap, the symbol of freedom and independence, and encircled by an olive branch symbolising peace. She is regarded as the personification of the Republic ‐ a bust of her is present in public buildings. In the background ‐ as in the coat of arms of Portugal ‐ the coat of arms shield can be seen on an armillary sphere, a navigational device from the time of the Portuguese sailing of the world's oceans. On the right is a semicircular inscription "REPÚBLICA PORTUGUESA •" (Republic of Portugal) and "1910 • 2010". On the left is "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon and "José Cândido", the name of the designer.
Portugal 15 Sep. 2011 500th birthday of Fernão Mendes Pinto 20001


Description : The Portuguese explorer and writer Fernão Mendes Pinto (∼1511‐1583) travelled the coasts of the Indian Ocean and the Far East from 1537 to 1558. His travelogue (with criticism of Portuguese colonialism) was published posthumously under the title Peregrinação (Pilgrimage). The starting point and destinations of the journey are mentioned in the coin design by Isabel Carriço and Fernando Branco on the occasion of his 500th birthday under the image of a caravel in the form of wavy bands of writing: "PORTUGAL LISBOA MOÇAMBIQUE ORMUZ DIU GOA INDIA BIRMÂNIA MALACA SONDA PATANE SIÂO CAMBOJA LÉQUIO TANEGASHIMA JAPÂO CHINA NAKAU TARTÁRIA". The word "PEREGRINAÇÃO" (pilgrimage) appears twice in the written bands. At the top is the name "FERNÃO MENDES PINTO", on the left his year of birth "1511", on the right the year of issue "2011" and at the bottom "PORTUGAL". Next to the writing bands on the left is "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon, on the right the initials "IC‐FB" of the two designers are shown.
Portugal 24 Feb. 2012 10 years Euro‐Currency 20001


Description : To mark the tenth anniversary of the final adoption of the euro as cash, all 17 EU countries using the euro as their official currency issued a commemorative € 2 coin. There were five designs submitted, which could be voted for online. The result was announed on the 30th of June 2011: the winning design was created by Helmut Andexlinger and shows a globe in the middle, overlaid with the euro symbol. The importance of the euro in Europe and the world as a whole coupled with the fact that it has become a global player in the international monetary system over the last ten years, is illustrated by the euro symbol. According to the designer, the symbolic elements around the stylised globe represent the suggestion that the euro offers more opportunities for businesses and markets which in turn ensures economic stability by encouraging investment in this environment. The factory shape symbolises production, the cargo ship trade, all of which benefit the symbolic family of four with three homes by providing more quality jobs and stable consumer prices. The symbol of the Eurotower in Frankfurt/M. represents financial strength and the two wind turbines shows stimulation in innovative investments that this environment presents, whose central element is the euro. At the bottom of the coin are the years "2002 and "2012".
National characteristics : At the top of the coin is the name of the issuing country "PORTUGAL". On the right is "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon.
Portugal 21 Jun. 2012 Guimaräes, European Capital of Culture 2012 20001


Description : Guimarães was the capital of the county of Portucale from 1096 and is called the "cradle of the nation" ‐ the first capital of the Kingdom of Portugal, however, was Coimbra from 1139. The historic centre of Guimarães has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2001. The coin shows, stylised, the helmet and sword of the statue of Dom Alfonso Henriques (∼1109‐1185), the first king of Portugal, placed in front of the city walls. On the right, the issue occasion "GUIMARÃES", "2012" and the heart‐shaped logo of the event year are depicted below each other. On the left, the escutcheon from the coat of arms of Portugal is depicted, with the country name "PORTUGAL" below it. At the bottom is "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon, as well as "José de Guimarães", the artist name of the designer José Maria Fernandes Marques.
Portugal 20 Jun. 2013 250th anniversary of the Torre dos Clérigos, Porto 20001


Description : The Church of the Clergy was built in 1732‐1750, its baroque bell tower, adorned with a sculpture of the early Christian theologian and missionary Paul of Tarsus († ∼67), in 1754‐1763 by the Italian architect Nicolau Nasoni for the religious community Irmandade dos Clérigos Pobres. At almost 76 m high, the tower once served as an orientation aid for seafarers; today it is the city's landmark. The coin design also shows the striking Ponte Dom Luís I bridge over the river Douro, completed in 1886. The historic centre of Porto has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996. At the top, the occasion of issue "250 ANOS TORRE DOS CLÉRIGOS‐2013" (250 Years of the Church of the Clergy‐2013) is shown in a semicircle, on the right below the bridge ‐ as in the coat of arms of Portugal ‐ the coat of arms shield on an armillary sphere and below it the country name "PORTUGAL". On the left, "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon is depicted, behind it "HUGO MACIEL" the signet of the coin designer Hugo Maciel.
Portugal 23 Apr. 2014 40th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution 20001


Description : According to José Teixeira's design, two arches form the stylised calyx of a carnation, which is considered the symbol of the freedom movement and gave its name to the revolution. On the 25th of April 1974, the revolution ended the decades‐long dictatorship of António Salazar and his successor Marcelo Caetano and paved the way for a democratic state culture. At the top, the name "PORTUGAL" is depicted below ‐ as in the coat of arms of Portugal ‐ the coat of arms shield on an armillary sphere. On the left and in the centre is the commemorative date "25 DE ABRIL" (April 25th). Below that, "40 ANOS" (40 years) and the year of issue "2014" are mentioned in three lines, and to the right of that "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon and the name of the designer "JOSÉ TEIXEIRA".
Portugal 31 Oct. 2014 International Year of Family Farming 20001


Description : The coin designed by Helder Batista is dedicated to the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF 2014). In addition to agricultural tools such as shovels, hoes and rakes, the coin depicts sheaves leaning against each other to dry the grain, a strelitzia flowering in southern Africa, a stylised chicken (presumably a helmeted guinea fowl called galinha‐d'angol in Portuguese) and potatoes and pumpkins in front of it. The issue occasion "AGRICULTURA FAMILIAR" (family agriculture), "PORTUGAL 2014" and "INCM‐H.BATISTA" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon and the designer's signet are depicted in a circle.
Portugal 25 Apr. 2015 150 years Portuguese Red Cross 20001


Description : On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Portuguese Red Cross, the coin design shows its emblem, a Greek cross, strung together several times to illustrate the expansion of humanitarian aid in Portugal and abroad. In the background is the outline of a hand, symbolising the different types of help that the Red Cross provides to people. At the top is the shield from the coat of arms of Portugal, below which is the country name "PORTUGAL". On the left, the occasion of issue "CRUZ VERMELHA PORTUGUESA" (Portuguese Red Cross) is written in a semicircle. Below the dates "• 1865 • 2015" are depicted, on the right "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon and the initials "A.M." of the coin designer António Marinho.
Portugal 15 Jul. 2015 500th anniversary of the first contact with Timor 20001


Description : In 1515, the first Portuguese ship landed on Timor, one of the Lesser Sunda Islands ‐ in 1586, most of the island was declared a colony of Portuguese Timor. After the proclamation of East Timor's independence in 1975, Indonesia occupied the country. East Timor's chequered history culminated in the founding of the ‐ Portuguese‐speaking ‐ Democratic Republic of East Timor in 2002. The commemorative coin designed by Fernando Fonseca shows a contemporary Portuguese caravel with the paw cross of the Order of Christ on its sails and the roof of a traditional Timorese house with wooden sculptures that recall myths and legends in the context of the animistic traditional religion. The ridge depicted stylised on the coin symbolises the story of the first inhabitants who came from the Malay Archipelago on a boat called a "Beiro". The silhouette of a "Beiro" boat hull as well as five horses and their riders ‐ three facing right and two facing left ‐ adorn the ridge. Given the steep mountains that almost completely cover the island, horses were important means of transport. At the top right is the year "1515" for the first landing and "PORTUGAL", at the bottom left "TIMOR" and the year of issue "2015". Below is the designer's signet, to the right of the roof ridge "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon.
Portugal 30 Nov. 2015 30 years EU‐Flag 20001


Description : From 1950, the Council of Europe had been working on the design of a flag for Europe. The proposal to adopt the emblem of the Paneuropa Union, founded by Richard Coudenhove‐Kalergi in 1922, was rejected because of its supposed Christian symbolism. In 1955 it was agreed that the European flag, also adopted by the European Community on 29th of June 1985, would be the European flag with the twelve (a number of twelve is considered a sign of perfection) golden stars in a circular (symbolising unity) arrangement on a blue background. To mark the 30th anniversary of the EU flag, all 19 EU countries which use the euro as their official currency issued a commemorative €2 coin. There were five designs to choose from which could be voted for online. The result was declared on 28th of May 2015. The coin design was created by Georgios Stamatopoulos, coin designer at the Bank of Greece, whose initials "ΓΣ" can be seen in the lower right‐hand corner. It shows twelve stylised persons in a circle around a European flag with the twelve euro stars.
National characteristics : Above is the name of the issuing country "PORTUGAL", followed by the dates "1985‐2015". On the right is "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon.
Portugal 03 May 2016 Portuguese athletes participation in the
Rio 2016 Summer Olympics


Description : The motif consists of an image of the Viana heart created in 2008 by artist Joana Vasconcelos, which is based on the traditional jewellery art of the region around Viana do Castelo in northern Portugal. It is meant to symbolise the spirit of determination and passion that characterises the Portuguese people and especially athletes who will represent them at the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. At the bottom right is the logo of the Portuguese Olympic Committee, representing the Olympic rings and the cross of the paw borrowed from the Order of Christ. On the right edge of the pill is "EQUIPA OLİMPICA DE PORTUGAL 2016" (Portuguese Olympic Team 2016), on the left "JOANA VASCONCELOS". At the bottom is the "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon.
Portugal 19 Jul. 2016 50 years of the first bridge uniting the two riverbanks of the Tagus River 20001


Description : The coin shows the central section of the 25th of April Bridge, which first connected the banks of the Tagus in Lisbon. Under the name of the leader of the dictatorship of the so‐called Estado Nova, António de Oliveira Salazar, it was inaugurated in 1966 as the "Salazar Bridge", but renamed "Ponte 25 de Abril" after the Carnation Revolution of 25th April 1974. The 2278 m long suspension bridge spans the mouth of the Tagus, the longest river on the Iberian Peninsula (1000 km), into the Atlantic Ocean. The height of the roadways of the double‐decker bridge above the water is 70 m. At the top right, the lettering "PORTUGAL" and ‐ as in the coat of arms of Portugal ‐ the coat of arms shield are depicted on an armillary sphere. At the bottom right, "PONTE", "25 DE ABRIL", "1966 and "2016" can be read below each other. The lower edge of the pill shows "INCM", the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon, and "JOSÉ AURÉLIO", the name of the designer.
Portugal 13 Jul. 2017 150 years of Public Security (PSP) 20001


Description : The coin shows the insignia of the Polícia de Segurança Pública (Public Safety Police) next to the abbreviation "PSP". Next to the heads of a woman and a man depicted in profile and four stylised buildings symbolising citizens and cities for which public security is provided, the three most important terms related to citizenship are mentioned "DIREITOS", "LIBERADES" and "GARANTIS" (rights, freedoms and guarantees). On the left the occasion of issue is shown with "1867 • 2017 SEGURANÇA PÚBLICA" (1867 • 2017 public security), on the right the name of the issuing country "PORTUGAL". The mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon, "INCM", and the artist's name of the designer José Maria Fernandes Marques, "JOSÉ DE GUIMARÃES", appear at the bottom. 10,000 copies produced in the proof manufacturing process were issued as a coloured version (see picture).
Portugal 21 Nov. 2017 150th birthday of Raul Brandäos 20001


Description : The coin commemorates the 150th birthday of the Portuguese writer Raul Brandäo (1867‐1930). The main themes of his work are death and the isolation of man, combined with the pantheism typical of Portugal. He also describes the meagre life and the worlds threatened with ruin of the fishermen, peasants and simple people, whose chronicler he saw himself as. With his book As ilhas desconhecidas ‐ Notas e paisagens (The Unknown Islands ‐ Records and Landscapes), published in 1926, he shaped the image of the Azores in Europe. On the left is his name "RAUL BRANDÄO" in three lines, below it his year of birth "1867", the year of issue "2017" as well as "PORTUGAL" on the bottom right. On the upper edge of the pill, "LUÍS FELIPE DE ABREU" is the name of the coin designer and "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon.
Portugal 22 May 2018 250 years since the foundation of the Imprensa Nacional 20001


Description : The commemorative coin, designed by Eduardo Aires, is dedicated to the National Printing Office, founded 250 years ago, which publishes the Portuguese Official Gazette with all the country's legislative measures, as well as books of the highest cultural value and other cultural works. The eight‐line inscription reads "1768‐2018 IMPRENSA NACIONAL DUZENTOS E CINQUENTA 250 ANOS PORTUGAL MMXVIII" (1768‐2018 National Printing House Two Hundred and Fifty 250 Years of Portugal 2018). The Imprensa Nacional ("IN") printing works was merged with the Casa da Moeda ("CM") mint in 1972 to form the Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A., whose mint mark "INCM" is shown below right. At the bottom left is "Eduardo Aires", the name of the coin designer.
Portugal 25 Jul. 2018 250th anniversary of the foundation of Ajuda Botanical Garden 20001


Description : After the Lisbon earthquake of 1755, King Joseph I's prime minister, the Marquis of Pombal, moved the court to Ajuda, then a suburb of the capital. The king bought a farm next to the royal residence to grow fruit and vegetables for consumption in the palace. For these reasons, the Italian naturalist Domenico Vandelli (1735‐1816) planned the first botanical garden in Portugal (and fifteenth in Europe) for the preservation, study and collection of the greatest possible variety of plant species, with the intention that it would serve to educate the king's grandchildren. The gardens were laid out in 1768 in the contemporary symmetrical style of French and Italian gardens and opened to the general public during the reign of King John VI. During this time, the number of species planted increased considerably, thanks to specimens brought by the governors of the colonies. The botanical garden was extensively restored in 1948 after the hurricane‐force storm of February 1941 ‐ one of the five strongest storms to hit Europe in the 20th century. The Ajuda Botanical Garden is part of the University of Lisbon's Agronomy Institute and serves as infrastructure for educational and research purposes. The coin motif shows the garden's landmark, a Canary dragon tree planted in 1760. The occasion of issue "250 ANOS JARDIM BOTÂNICO DA AJUDA" (250 years of the Ajuda Botanical Garden) and "PORTUGAL 2018" are indicated in a circle. Below the dragon tree, "J. FAZENDA" are the signet of the coin master Joao Fazenda and "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon.
Portugal 08 May 2019 500th anniversary of Magellan's circumnavigation 20001


Description : The commemorative coin pays tribute to the circumnavigation of the world begun in 1519 by order of Carlos' I, King of Spain, under the leadership of the Poruguese giant Ferdinand Magellan (∼1480‐1521), who was to find a western route to the Spice Islands. The fleet of five ships and 270 men circumnavigated South America for the first time in 1520 through the "Strait of Magellan" and crossed the Pacific in 1521. Magellan had already sailed from the west to the Malay Archipelago (and back) in 1505‐1512, which is further east than Mactan, Philippines, where he died in battle in 1521 ‐ thus he had crossed all the meridians of the earth westwards and, with a seven‐year interruption, completed almost a complete circumnavigation of the globe. Juan Sebastián Elcano (1476‐1528) completed the expedition on the Nao Victoria in 1522 and provided proof of the spherical shape of the Earth. The coin shows Magellan in three‐quarter profile, surrounded by the words "CIRCUM NAVEGACÃO" (circumnavigation of the globe), "1519 FERNÃO ♦ DE ♦ MAGALHÃES" (right) and "2019 ♦ PORTUGAL" (left). At the top, a stylised armillary sphere is depicted as a sign of Portugal's great attachment to seafaring, a navigational device from the time of Portugal's sailing of the world's oceans. Below is "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon and the signet "L.F. ABREU" of the coin designer Luís Filipe de Abreu.
Portugal 06 Jun. 2019 600th anniversary of the discovery of Madeira and Porto Santos 20001


Description : Madeira was probably already discovered by Phoenicians around 600 BC. In contrast to the Canary Islands, which were predominantly settled from ancient Mauritania from the 3rd century BC, the Madeira archipelago remained uninhabited. After almost a thousand years of isolation, the Canaries were rediscovered in the 14th century and the Castilian manuscript Libro del Conosçimiento (Book of Knowledge), written around 1385, also describes Madeira ("Leiname") ‐ however, in Portugal 1418 or 1419 are considered the year of discovery, when João Gonçalves Zarco landed on the island of Porto Santo and Madeira. From 1420, Madeira was settled by the Portuguese at the instigation of Henry the Navigator. The Sebaldines ("Wild Islands"), also part of Macaronesia, first documented in 1375, are considered to have been discovered by Diogo Gomes in 1438 and are now part of the Autonomous Region of Madeira. However, the group of islands lying 280 km south of Madeira is positioned out of scale on the coin (above "...ug...19"). The cartographic lines on the coin design symbolising the principle of a contemporary nautical portolan or "wind ray map" (radiating both from the centre of the map and from 16 points evenly distributed on a circular line, the "wind roses") were used to determine a course by compass. The circular inscription reads "600 anos do Descobrimento da Madeira e do Porto Santo" (600 years of the discovery of Madeira and Porto Santo) and "Portugal 2019". At the top is "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon and on the right ‐ in irregular, handwriting‐like characters ‐ the signet "POMAR" of the coin designer Júlio Pomar.
Portugal 01 Sep. 2020 730th anniversary of the University of Coimbra 20001


Description : On the 1st of March 1290, the Portuguese King Dionysius of the House of Burgundy signed the founding treaty called "Scientiae thesaurus mirabilis" (admirable treasure of knowledge) of the university, which was to include the faculties of art, theology, canon law, civil law and medicine. This was confirmed by the papal bull "De statu regni Portugaliae" (The State of Portugal) on the 9th of August 1290 by Pope Nicholas IV. In the same year, construction of the university began ‐ making it the oldest educational institution in Portugal and one of the oldest and most prestigious in the world. However, it was initially built in Lisbon ‐ but temporarily moved to Coimbra twice until 1377 ‐ and only finally moved to Coimbra in 1537 on the orders of King João III. In 2013, it was elevated to the status of UNESCO World Heritage Site. The university, where today 1,500 lecturers teach 22,000 students, forms the network of the Coimbra Group with 38 other traditional, European, multidisciplinary universities of high international stature in Europe. The large clock tower of the historic university buildings depicted on the coin dates from the 18th century and is considered an example of the late Baroque style from the time of Joãos V. It is located at the highest point of the city and thus became Coimbra's landmark. The issue occasion "UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA 730 ANOS" (University of Coimbra 730 years) is shown in four lines, with the "DE" written in ligature. Below is "PORTUGAL 2020", on the right the signet "Esc. J. J. BRITO" of the sculptor (Portuguese Escultor = Esc.) and coin designer José João Brito, next to it the mint mark "CASA DA MOEDA" of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon.
Portugal 07 Oct. 2020 75th anniversary of the United Nations 20001


Description : The United Nations Charter was finalised at the Yalta Conference and signed by 50 states at the San Francisco Conference on the 26th of June 1945. New York became the seat of the organisation. As a symbol of the United Nations flag, the coin shows the globe with the entire land mass inhabited by humans, framed by two olive branches, the classic symbol of peace. In the centre is the geographic North Pole and around it the continents of the northern hemisphere; the southern hemisphere ‐ without Antarctica ‐ is distorted by the projection resembling a mid‐distance azimuthal projection and is shown too large in area. The year of issue "2020" and "PORTUGAL" are written in irregular, handwriting‐like characters at the top, and the occasion of issue "UN / ONU 75 YEARS / ANOS" (United Nations 75 Years) is written bilingually in English and Portuguese below. On the left is the mint mark "CASA DA MOEDA" of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon in two lines and on the right ‐ also in two lines ‐ the name of the coin designer "ANDRÉ LETRIA".
Portugal 04 Jan. 2021 EU Presidency 2021 20001


Description : Portugal holds the EU Presidency in the first half of 2021. The coin designer Eduardo Aires depicts Lisbon as the westernmost capital of the European Union in the origin of a tuft of rays with an aperture angle of 92°, indicating the directions in which the other EU capitals appear on the map from Lisbon. However, they are rotated counterclockwise by 9° compared to the normal map display, in which the east direction points horizontally to the right and the north direction points upwards, so that the rightmost line of the tuft to Valletta, which in real terms deviates by 9° to the right from the east direction, is horizontal on the coin. The leftmost line directed towards Dublin thus deviates from the vertical by 2° to the left instead of 7° to the right. Since Prague and Vilnius lie almost on the same line, only 25 directional rays are visible. Important tasks of the Portuguese Council Presidency are the coordination of the EU‐Corona aid package of 750 billion euros and European social policy. The issue occasion "PRESIDÉNCIA DO CONSELHO DA UNIÃO EUROPEIA PORTUGAL 2021" is shown in four lines. On the left are in two lines the mint mark "CASA DA MOEDA" of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon and "EDUARDO AIRES" for the designer.
Portugal 18 May 2021 Participation in the Summer Olympics in Tokyo 20002


Description : Tokyo, which already hosted the Summer Olympics in 1964, was also scheduled to host the 2020 Summer Olympics from the 24th of July to the 9th of August. Due to the COVID‐19 pandemic, however, they were postponed by one year and thus scheduled for the first time outside the usual 4‐year rhythm. Due to the pandemic, they are to be held without foreign spectators, athletes' relatives and with few volunteers. The coin design by Francisco Providencia intended for 2020 was modified and the circular inscription now reads "2021 PORTUGAL NOS JOGOS OLÍMPICOS DE TÓQUIO ' 20" (2021 Portugal at the Tokyo Olympic Games ' 20). The logo of the Olympic Committee of Portugal is depicted above the Olympic rings ‐ symbolising the five continents ‐ a flagpole and the cross of the paw of the Order of Christ. On the left, "CASA DA MOEDA ‐ F. PROVIDENCIA" is the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon and the designer's signet.
Portugal 30 Mar. 2022 100th anniversary of the first crossing of the South Atlantic by plane 20003


Work in progress
Portugal 01 Jul. 2022 35th anniversary of the Erasmus Program 20003


Description : ERASMUS is a backronym for EuRopean Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students. The ERASMUS exchange programme is aimed at EU citizens who have been studying at a university for at least one year and supports a three to twelve‐month stay abroad at a university within the EU, or an internship. In addition, there are master's and doctoral programmes, programmes for young entrepreneurs, for school education, vocational training and adult education. Internships as well as professional development measures are financially supported and language courses abroad are also made possible for working people. The backronym refers to the Dutch philosopher and theologian Erasmus of Rotterdam (∼1466‐1536), described as "the crowning glory of the Christian humanists", depicted after a painting by Hans Holbein the Younger created in 1523. The French coin designer Joaquin Jimenez, whose initials "J.J." appear next to Erasmus' pen, has designed as a background a network of connecting lines between the twelve stars arranged in a circle and symbolising Europe, which is intended to represent the manifold intellectual and human exchanges between European students. By relieving some partial areas between the connecting lines, the numbers 3 and 5 emerge, referring to the 35th anniversary of the programme. In a block of three to four lines of lettering arranged in a quarter circle at the bottom right, the commemorative period is written as "1987-2022" (the last number also designating the year of issue) below the occasion of issue, followed by the name of the issuing state, if this does not consist of an abbreviation placed in the centre of the motif.
National characteristics : The quarter circle at the bottom right has four lines; below the commemorative period, the occasion of issue is written in two lines "PROGRAMMA ERASMUS" (Erasmus programme in Portuguese), centred below it the issuing country "PORTUGAL". At the bottom the mint mark "CASA DA MOEDA" of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon is shown. The coin is one of those with a more textured background.
Portugal 19 Jul. 2023 World Youth Day Lisbon 2023 20003


Description : World Youth Days are events of the Roman Catholic Church. The worldwide gathering for all adolescents and young adults between the ages of 14 and 30 is organised by the Pontifical Council for the Laity, part of the Curia, and the host country. The meetings have their origin in an initiative of Pope John Paul II, who invited people to Rome in 1984 for the 'International Youth Jubilee'. Commemorative 2‐euro coins were issued by the Vatican City for the World Youth Days in Cologne in 2005, in Madrid in 2011 and in Rio de Janeiro in 2013. This year's World Youth Day will take place in Lisbon from the 1st to the 6th of August. Its motto is the encounter between Mary and Elizabeth with the quotation from Luke 1:39: "Mary arose and departed in haste". The motif of the Portuguese commemorative coin designed by João Duarte shows a cross and 23 stylised human figures surrounding it ‐ depicted in different textures and sizes ‐ as well as two hands embracing the globe‐like whole in an embracing gesture. This expresses the community of values of the WYD participants, who share the same universal principles of peace, unity and brotherhood all over the world. Above, in a semi‐circle, it reads "JORNADA MUNDIAL DA JUVENTUDE" (World Youth Day) and "LISBOA 2023" (Lisbon 2023), below "PORTUGAL". The shield from the coat of arms of Portugal is depicted at the bottom left, with "CASA DA MOEDA ‐ JOÃO DUARTE" at the bottom right, the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon, and the name of the designer.
Portugal 15 Nov. 2023 Peace 20003


Work in progress
Portugal 22 Apr. 2024 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution of 25 April 1974 20003 515,000  


Work in progress
References :
20001 Images taken with authorisation by the ECB ‐ Mail dated 20.Feb.2020
© "European Central Bank"
20002 Data mirrored from Wikipedia Page "2_euro_commemorative_coins"
with friendly support of the guardians of that page.
20003 Images taken with authorisation by H....... Hamburg   20004 Coloured version of this Commemorative Coin in circulation
EU‐legal‐technical specifications do not recongnise colour prints, but the EU is tolerate them, due to the facts that their numbers are very small and that they are sold in special packs and therefor are very unlikely to be used as currency.
20005 enlarged Images taken with authorisation by Gerd Seyffert
© "Gerd Seyffert 2021"
20006 Not Applicable  
20007 Images taken by Münzen Kreuzberg
© "Münzen Kreuzberg 2021"
20008 enlarged Images taken by Münzen Kreuzberg
© "Münzen Kreuzberg 2021"
20009 Text with kind permission by Gerd Seyffert
© "Gerd Seyffert 2023"
20010 Not Applicable