C o m m e m o r a t i v e    C o i n s  
⇑ 2014 ⇑
Image Country Date Feature Ref. Volume  
Germany 30 Jan. 2015 Hesse (Paul's church in Frankfurt upon Main)
10th coin in the Federal States series


Description : The southern view of Frankfurt's Paulskirche (St Paul's church) is depicted on the coin marking Hesse's presidency of the Bundesrat (upper house of parliament). Frankfurt's main Protestant church, built between 1789 and 1833, has a classical rotunda designed by the architect Johann Friedrich Christian Hess. From 1848 to 1849 it was the meeting place for delegates to the Frankfurt National Assembly, the first freely elected German parliament. On the 18th of March 1944 the Paulskirche burnt down after an air raid on Frankfurt upon Main. After the Second World War, it was the first historic building to be rebuilt and reopened as the "House of All Germans" on the 18th of May 1948, the centenary of the National Assembly. Since then it has been a national monument and is used for exhibitions and public events. At the bottom of the motif is the name of the federal state "HESSEN" (Hesse), top left the year of issue "2015", top right the country abbreviation "D" (for Deutschland / Germany) and unerneath it the initials of the designer, "HH" standing for Heinz Hoyer. Bottom left is the German mint mark (A = Staatliche Münze Berlin in Berlin, D = Bayerisches Hauptmünzamt in Munich, F = Staatliche Münzen Baden‐Württemberg in Stuttgart, G = Staatliche Münzen Baden‐Württemberg in Karlsruhe or J = Landesbetrieb Hamburgische Münze in Hamburg).
‐ ‐ The motif of the coin of Hesse was originally intended to be the Römer (city hall) in Frankfurt upon Main.
Germany 30 Jan. 2015 25th anniversary of German Reunification 20001


Description : In the foreground, the coin depicts a cheering crowd of people symbolising a new beginning and a departure from the old. In the background, the symbol of German unity, the Brandenburg Gate ‐ crowned by the quadriga on which the goddess of victory, Victoria stands, symbolising peace to the city. The expression "WIR SIND EIN VOLK" (we a one people) repeated three times is depicted in a semicircle on the right. This symbolises the collective expression of the will of the German citizens on the road to German reunification. On the 3rd of October 1990, the mandate of the Basic Law to the German people to unfication of Germany was fulfilled when the German Democratic Republic joined the Federal Republic of Germany. The coin design by the sculptor Bernd Wendhut (signet "BW", bottom right) was awarded second prize in the design competition for the € 10 commemorative coin on the theme of 20 years of German reunification. The designer has two of the jubilant figures hold up a stylised euro symbol imparting that "Germany is a part of Europe". On the left in a semi‐circle are the words "25 JAHRE DEUTSCHE EINHEIT 2015" (25th anniversary of German reunification 2015), on the left of the Brandenburg Gate is the country abbreviation "D" (for Deutschland / Germany). The German mint mark (A = Staatliche Münze Berlin in Berlin, D = Bayerisches Hauptmünzamt in Munich, F = Staatliche Münzen Baden‐Württemberg in Stuttgart, G = Staatliche Münzen Baden‐Württemberg in Karlsruhe or J = Landesbetrieb Hamburgische Münze in Hamburg) appears at the bottom left. In October 2015 a 25 Euro silver coin with the same design has been minted in fine silver (999/1000).
France 30 Jan. 2015 70 years of peace in Europe 20001


Description : Seventy years after the end of the Second World War, peace and security reign in Europe, not least because Europeans created the European Union to ensure peace and prosperity ‐ incorporating different cultures, traditions and languages. Coin designer Joaquin Jimenez chose a dove of peace as the motif, carrying an olive branch in its beak, the leaves of which are shaped to form the twelve stars of the European flag. The 28 member states of the EU are represented by their country abbreviations. Towards the bottom left is a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac and below it a pentagon the logo of mint masterYves Sampo. At the bottom of the coin is the country abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic) and to the right the Star of Europe representing the Eurostar coin programme. On the right is the year of minting 2015 and below it the designer's logo a square.
Spain 30 Jan. 2015 Cave of Altamira and Paleolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain
6th coin in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites series


Description : French‐Cantabrian cave art is the name given to a style of cave art from the Late Palaeolithic period. This art is found in southern France and northern Spain, paintings, reliefs and drawings, especially on the walls, were created in the course of about 20,000 years (and given the name parietal art). This ice‐age art is often of high artistic quality. The Stone Age cave paintings created 14,000 to 16,000 years ago in the Altamira cave near Santillana del Mar in Cantabria, discovered in 1868, depict hunting game. The commemorative motif, designed by Alfonso Morales Muñoz, shows a bison. The Altamira Cave has been closed to the public since 1979 due to the serious damage to the paintings caused by the warm, humid breath from visitors. At the top of the motif is the issuing country "ESPAÑA" (Spain), to the right of it the letter "M" adorned with a crown, the mint mark of the Spanish mint Real Casa de la Moneda in Madrid. At the bottom of the motif is "2015" being the year of issue.
Latvia 10 Feb. 2015 EU Presidency 20001


Description : Latvia's Presidency of the Council in the first half of 2015 is the first since its accession to the EU in 2004 and its priorities are embedded in the 18‐month programme of the trio presidency of Italy, Latvia and Luxembourg. The coin, designed by Gunārs Lūsis, whose plaster model Jānis Strupulis made, features the logo of the Latvian Presidency, a stylised mill wheel symbolising prosperity and success and representing creative and productive work ethic. It is complemented by the inscription "LATVIJAS PREZIDENTŪRA ES PADOMĒ" ("Latvian Presidency of the Council of the EU") and the indication of the website "EU2015.LV". In 2010, on the occasion of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, a website ("eutrio.be", with information on the Presidency of the Council) was mentioned on a commemorative coin for the first time. The coin was minted as a normal minting by the German mint Staatliche Münzen Baden‐Württemberg in Stuttgart, in the proof production process by the German mint Staatliche Münzen Baden‐Württemberg in Karlsruhe.
Finland 18 Feb. 2015 150th birthday of the composer Jean Sibelius 20001


Description : Johan Julius Christian ("Jean") Sebelius (1865‐1957) was a Swedish‐speaking Finnish composer at the transition from late Romanticism to Modernism. He developed the four‐movement Lemminkäinen Suite with the character Lemminkäinen from the Finnish national epic Kalevala from parts of conceived but discarded operas. Critics and audiences reacted enthusiastically, especially to the second movement, The Swan of Tuonela (the motif of the Swan of Tuonela is also depicted on another commemorative coin from 2015 dedicated to the painter Akseli Gallen‐Kallela). In German‐speaking countries, he is best known for his violin concerto and his symphonic poem Finlandia. The commemorative coin designed by Nora Tapper on the occasion of his 150th birthday depicts the starry sky between pine trees above his grave in Ainola. On the left is the year "2015", flanked in an arch by "JEAN" and "SIBELIUS". On the right is the country abbreviation "FI" (Finland) and a lion (the heraldic animal of Finland) the mint mark of the Finnish mint Suomen Rahapaja OY in Vantaa.
San Marino 08 Apr. 2015 750th birthday of Dante Alighieri 20001


Description : Dante Alighieri (1265‐1321) was an Italian poet and philosopher. With the Divine Comedy, written in Old Italian (or Tuscan) around 1307 to 1320, he overcame the Latin that had dominated until then and made Italian a literary language. He is considered one of the most famous authors of Italian literature as well as of the European Middle Ages. For the 750th anniversary of his birth, Annalisa Masini created the coin design after a painting by Sandro Botticelli from 1495. It shows the poet in profile, a laurel wreath on his head. A stylised spine with superimposed majuscules forming the name "DANTE", borrowed from one of the first editions of the Divina Commedia. The country of issue "SAN MARINO" can be seen in a semicircle on the right side, within the semicircle there is the letter "R" the mint mark of the Italian mint Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato in Rome, the dates "1265" and "2015" as well as the designer's signet "AM".
Portugal 25 Apr. 2015 150 years Portuguese Red Cross 20001


Description : On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Portuguese Red Cross, the coin design shows its emblem, a Greek cross, strung together several times to illustrate the expansion of humanitarian aid in Portugal and abroad. In the background is the outline of a hand, symbolising the different types of help that the Red Cross provides to people. At the top is the shield from the coat of arms of Portugal, below which is the country name "PORTUGAL". On the left, the occasion of issue "CRUZ VERMELHA PORTUGUESA" (Portuguese Red Cross) is written in a semicircle. Below the dates "• 1865 • 2015" are depicted, on the right "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon and the initials "A.M." of the coin designer António Marinho.
Italy 29 Apr. 2015 EXPO 2015 in Milan 20001


Description : "NUTRIRE IL PIANETA" (feed the planet) is the first part of the World Expo's motto, "energia per la vita" (energy for life) the second. It is intended to combine technology, innovation, culture, tradition and creativity with the themes of food and nutrition and thus ties in with themes that have already played a role in previous world exhibitions. Through the stylised depiction of a hemisphere, above it a watered seed before germination, as well as a grape, an olive branch and an ear of wheat, the coin designer Maria Grazia Urbani visualises the theme. At the bottom is the logo of Expo 2015, a superimposition of the characters "EXPO" and "2015", below which is "MILANO 2015" (Milan 2015). On the right is the ligature of the country name "RI" (Repubblica Italiana, Italian Republic) and the "R" the mint mark of the Italian mint Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato in Rome. On the left are the initials "MGU" of the designer.
Malta 25 May 2015 100th anniversary of the first flight from Malta 20001


Description : After the prototype of the two‐seater Short Admiralty type 135 seaplane with serial number 136 had taken part in the British attack on Cuxhaven on the 25th of December 1914, it was transported to Malta by the aircraft mother ship HMS Ark Royal. There the seaplane, piloted by Cecil Francis Kilner, took off from Grand Harbour in Vittoriosa on the 13th of February 1915 and landed back in port after a flight of 55 minutes ‐ the flight marked the beginning of Maltese aviation. The aircraft was then used at the Dardanelles to accompany ship convoys and to fight enemy submarines, armed with two 50 kg torpedoes. However, the commemorative coin designed by Noel Galea Bason was inspired by a photograph of a similar aircraft with serial number 320, depicted flying over the Fort St. Angelo fortress in Senglea. At the top is the semi‐circular inscription "FIRST FLIGHT FROM MALTA" and on the right the dates "1915‐2015". At the bottom left is the inscription "100TH ANNIVERSARY", below which are the initials "NGB" of the coin designer. The coin was struck without a mint mark by the Royal Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht; specimens in coincards bear their mint mark, a Hermes staff, between the 5 and 6 o'clock star.
Luxembourg 08 Jun. 2015 15th anniversary of Grand Duke Henri Accession to the Throne
14th coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : The commemorative coin shows Grand Duke Henri together with Grand Duchess Maria Teresa Mestre. Below the portraits is the two‐line inscription in French "15e anniversaire de l'accession au trône de S.A.R. le Grand‐Duc" (15th anniversary of the accession to the throne of H.R.H. the Grand Duke). S.A.R. is the abbreviation for the French form of address Son Altesse Royale (His Royal Highness). The country of issue "Luxembourg" is also designated in French in the upper right (instead of as Lëtzebuerg in the national language Luxembourgish). Above this, the year of accession to the throne is named "2000", and below that the year of issue "2015". The coin, which is based on a design concept of the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank), is produced using the MPI (Minted Photo Image) minting technique by the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht, whose mint mark, a staff of Hermes, appears at the bottom right next to the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland the logo of mint master Maarten Brouwer.
Malta 23 Jun. 2015 Proclamation of the Republic of Malta in 1974
5th coin of the Constitutional History series


Description : Malta was declared a republic following constitutional amendments supported by a large majority of the Maltese Parliament. The coin depicts a marble plaque placed on the facade of the Presidential Palace in Valletta. It depicts the coat of arms of Malta in force from 1975 to 1988 and a water taxi called "Dgħajsa" or "Dgħajsa tal‐Pass", the type of boat on which ‐ like the Maltese fishing boats called Luzzu ‐ is possibly of Phoenician origin. Next to two agricultural tools, a shovel and a "worgfork" with which the threshed grain is thrown into the air to separate it from the chaff, a prickly pear cactus is depicted. The commemorative text reads: "13 TA' DIĊEMBRU 1974 MALTA KBURIJA LI L‐PARLAMENT TAGHHA B' MAĠĠORANZA KBIRA IDDIKJARAHA REPUBBLIKA L‐AQWA ĠIEH LI KISBET GHALL‐EWWEL DARRA FIL‐ĠRAJJA T AGHHA" (13th of December 1974 ‐ Malta is proud that its Parliament has declared it a Republic by a large majority, the best achieved for the first time). The design of the coin is by Ġanni Bonnici. Above is "MALTA ‐ Republic 1974", below is "2015". The coin was minted without a mint mark by the Royal Dutch Mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht; specimens included in coin sets bear their mint mark, a Hermes staff, between the 5 and 6 o'clock star.
Italy 26 Jun. 2015 750th birthday of Dante Alighieri 20001


Description : Durante degli Alighieri called "Dante" (1265‐1321), Italian philosopher, was one of the most important poets of the European Middle Ages. With the Divine Comedy, he overcame the Latin that had dominated until then and made Italian a literary language. The work is considered an Italian national epic. The commemorative coin designed by Silvia Petrassi on the occasion of his 750th birthday shows Dante, after a fresco by Domenico di Michelino created in 1465 in the cathedral of Florence, with an open book in his left hand, in front of the Purification Hill ("Purgatorio") from the Divine Comedy. Behind the gate guarded by an angel, the souls are atoning on the seven terraces, spiralling towards the light. At the top is the poet's name "DANTE ALIGHIERI", below it the ligature of the country name "RI" (Repubblica Italiana, Italian Republic), on the right is the "R" the mint mark of the Italian mint Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato in Rome. Below, in two lines, are the years "1265" and "2015" as Dante's year of birth and the year of issue of the coin, respectively, and on the left the initials "SP" of the designer.
Portugal 15 Jul. 2015 500th anniversary of the first contact with Timor 20001


Description : In 1515, the first Portuguese ship landed on Timor, one of the Lesser Sunda Islands ‐ in 1586, most of the island was declared a colony of Portuguese Timor. After the proclamation of East Timor's independence in 1975, Indonesia occupied the country. East Timor's chequered history culminated in the founding of the ‐ Portuguese‐speaking ‐ Democratic Republic of East Timor in 2002. The commemorative coin designed by Fernando Fonseca shows a contemporary Portuguese caravel with the paw cross of the Order of Christ on its sails and the roof of a traditional Timorese house with wooden sculptures that recall myths and legends in the context of the animistic traditional religion. The ridge depicted stylised on the coin symbolises the story of the first inhabitants who came from the Malay Archipelago on a boat called a "Beiro". The silhouette of a "Beiro" boat hull as well as five horses and their riders ‐ three facing right and two facing left ‐ adorn the ridge. Given the steep mountains that almost completely cover the island, horses were important means of transport. At the top right is the year "1515" for the first landing and "PORTUGAL", at the bottom left "TIMOR" and the year of issue "2015". Below is the designer's signet, to the right of the roof ridge "INCM" the mint mark of the Portuguese mint Imprensa Nacional‐ Casa da Moeda S.A. in Lisbon.
France 22 Jul. 2015 225th anniversary of Fête de la Fédération (Federation Festival) 20001


Description : On the 14th of July 1790, the first anniversary of the storming of the Bastille, the Federation Festival was celebrated as an act of reconciliation and the unity of all French people. Louis XVI (1754‐1793), King of France and Navarre, swore by the nation and the law (he was deposed in 1792 during the French Revolution and beheaded by guillotine in 1793). In 1880, the 14th of July was declared a bank holiday ‐ a day that unites all French people and celebrates the Republic. The coin motif shows the profile of Marianne, national symbol of France, with a Jacobin cap and a circular badge worn on it with the colours of the tricolour (from the inside out: Blue‐White‐Red, represented by a hatching ‐ albeit stylised ‐ according to the heraldic rules of tinging. On the left is a stanza from the poem Liberté by the French poet Paul Éluard, written in 1942: "On all pages read / On all blank pages / Stone blood paper or ashes / I write your name". "Liberté" ‐ the motto of the French Republic ‐ is at the bottom of the coin, to the left of it is a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac together with a pentagon, the logo of mint master Yves Sampo, above the word "Liberté" is the year of issue "2015", the country abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic) next to it a square the logo of the designer Joaquin Jimenez. ‐ There are two minting versions, 20,000 of one of them has the three segments of the cockade with a flat surface in colour (see picture).
Common Issue 06 Aug. —
23. Dec. 2015
30 years of the EU-Flagge 20001


Description : From 1950, the Council of Europe had been working on the design of a flag for Europe. The proposal to adopt the emblem of the Paneuropa Union, founded by Richard Coudenhove‐Kalergi in 1922, was rejected because of its supposed Christian symbolism. In 1955 it was agreed that the European flag, also adopted by the European Community on 29th of June 1985, would be the European flag with the twelve (a number of twelve is considered a sign of perfection) golden stars in a circular (symbolising unity) arrangement on a blue background. To mark the 30th anniversary of the EU flag, all 19 EU countries which use the euro as their official currency issued a commemorative €2 coin. There were five designs to choose from which could be voted for online. The result was declared on 28th of May 2015. The coin design was created by Georgios Stamatopoulos, coin designer at the Bank of Greece, whose initials "ΓΣ" can be seen in the lower right‐hand corner. It shows twelve stylised persons in a circle around a European flag with the twelve euro stars.
In deviation from this, a latent image of Grand Duke Henri is also imprinted on the Luxembourg coins, as according to Luxembourg law no national coin may be issued without the image of the head of state.
Belgium 17 Sep. 2015 2015 - European Year for Development 20001


Description : The coin motif, designed by Luc Luycx, shows a hand holding a globe with a plant growing in front of it. The lettering "2015 EUROPEAN YEAR FOR DEVELOPMENT" forms an arch above the globe. Under the motto "Our world, our dignity, our future", information was provided on the development policy of the European Union and its member states and active engagement was encouraged. The country abbreviation "BE" (Belgium) is below the hand, while to the left of it is the cat the logo of the mint master Bernard Gillard and the helmeted head of the Archangel Michael the mint mark of the Royal Belgian mint Monnaie Royale de Belgique / Koninklijke Munt van België / Königliche Belgische Münzprägeanstalt in Brussels.
San Marino 29 Sep. 2015 25th anniversary of German Unity 20001


Description : The coin motif, designed by Erik Spiekermann, shows the Brandenburg Gate, which was on East Berlin territory during the Cold War, in two representations interlocked like the fingers of two hands, symbolising the reunification of the two parts of Berlin. The gate was built between 1789 and 1793 to designs by Carl Gotthard Langhans, crowned by the quadriga by the sculptor Johann Gottfried Schadow, on which the goddess of victory Victoria brings peace to the city. At the top and on the right, respectively, the semi‐circular inscription in two lines reads "25° ANNIVERSARIO DELLA RIUNIFICAZIONE DELLA GERMANIA 1990‐2015" (25th Anniversary of the Reunification of Germany 1990‐2015) as the occasion of issue; at the bottom, "SAN MARINO MMXV" indicates the issuing country and the year 2015 in Roman numeral script. On the right the letter "R" the mint mark of the Italian mint Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato in Rome, on the left the designer's signet "ES".
Vatican City 06 Oct. 2015 VIII World Meeting of Families ‐ Philadelphia 2015 20001


Description : The motif shows two families, each consisting of three people, embracing the globe. The outlines of both Americas can be seen on the globe. The motif is framed by two inscriptions: above "VIII INCONTRO MONDIALE DELLE FAMIGLIE" (VIII World Meeting of Families) and below "CITTÀ DEL VATICANO" (Vatican City). On the left are the logos "C.Principe" of the coin designer Chiara Principe and "E.L.F. INC." (INC. = Incisore / engraver) of the engraver Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini and at the top, the year of issue "2015" and on the right the initial "R", the mint mark of the Italian mint Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato in Rome.
Luxembourg 15 Oct. 2015 125th anniversary of the Nassau-Weilburg Dynasty
15th coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : On the left side of the coin, designed by Herbert Wähner, is the portrait of Grand Duke Henri and on the right side, in semicircular arrangement and chronological order of accession to the throne, are the portraits of the Grand Dukes of Luxembourg who emerged from the House of Nassau‐Weilburg from 1890 onwards: Adolphe, Guillaume IV, Marie‐Adélaide, Charlotte and Jean. On the right is written in a semicircle "1890 ‐ DYNASTIE NASSAU‐WEILBOURG". The country of issue "LUXEMBOURG" (in French, not "LËTZEBUERG" in the national language Luxembourgish) and the year "2015" are indicated in vertical script in the centre, below it on the left the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland the logo of mint master Maarten Brouwer and on the right a staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht.
Finland 22 Oct. 2015 150th birthday of Akseli Gallen-Kallela 20001


Description : Akseli Gallen‐Kallela (1865‐1931) was a Swedish‐speaking Finnish painter, architect and designer. He is particularly known for his illustrations of the Finnish national epic Kalevala. The coin designer Hannu Veijalainen chose two pictorial elements from his 1897 painting Lemminkäinen's Mother: the swan of Tuonela, the river of the underworld, and the waves symbolising the sinking spirit. In a semicircle on the left and right are the name parts "AKSELI GALLEN" and "KALLELA", flanking a painter's palette on which the year of birth "1865" and the year of issue "2015" can be seen in two lines, as well as a lion (the heraldic animal of Finland) the mint mark of the Finnish mint Suomen Rahapaja OY in Vantaa on the right. The abbreviation of the issuing country "FI" (Finland) is shown at the top right.
Slovakia 23 Oct. 2015 200th birthday of Ľudovít Štúr 20001


Description : Ľudovít Štúr (1815‐1856) is considered an outstanding figure in the Slovak national movement in what was then Austria‐Hungary. As a philologist and writer, he founded the current version of the Slovak literary language by introducing a new phonetic orthography. In 1994, the Ľudovít‐Štúr‐Order was founded as one of the highest awards in Slovakia and is awarded annually. The portrait, based on a painting by Jozef Božetech Klemens (1817‐1883), bears the inscription "ĽUDOVÍT ŠTÚR" and the year of his birth and death "1815‐1856" on the left and the year of issue "2015" and the name of the issuing country "SLOVENSKO" (Slovakia) on the right. The mint mark "MK" between two embossing stamps of the Slovak mint Mincovňa Kremnica š.p. in Kremnica is on the upper right. The abbreviated initials "IR" of the coin designer Ivan Řehák can be found in the lower right-hand corner.
Slovenia 09 Nov. 2015 Bimillenary of the foundation of Emona 20001


Description : Emona, on the site of today's Ljubljana, was a military camp (lat. Castrum) established 2000 years ago. The coin motif designed by Matej Ramšak is a composition of letters of the word "EMONA" or "AEMONA" and a stylised representation of the settlement's ground plan. The double "M" means "2000" in the Roman numeral script. In a semicircle, "EMONA LJUBLJANA SLOVENIJA 2015" at the bottom right‐hand corner indicates the occasion (Emona Lubljana), Slovenia as the issuing country and the year of issue. The coin was minted without mintmarks by the Slovakian mint Mincovňa Kremnica š.p. in Kremnica.
Monaco 14 Nov. 2015 800th anniversary of the Contruction of the first Fortress on the rock 1215 20001


Description : Today's Monaco was an ancient trading centre of the Phoenicians and later the Greeks, who had built a temple of Heracles here on the north coast of the western Mediterranean, which was soon given the nickname "Monoikos" (single house). When the place became a Roman port, it was given the name "Herculis Monoeci Portus", from which Monaco was shortened. In 1215, the Grimaldi family, who were part of the patriciate of the Republic of Genoa, established themselves here. The coin motif, designed by the Atelier de Gravues of the Monnaie de Paris, shows a tower on a rock by the sea. At the bottom, the occasion of issue is mentioned as "1215 ♦ FONDATION DE LA FORTERESSE ♦ 2015" (1215 ♦ FOUNDATION DE LA FORTERESSE ♦ 2015) and at the top "MONACO" as the issuing country, flanked on the left by a cornucopia as a symbol of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac and on the right by a pentagon as the mint master's mark Yves Sampos. ‐ This coin was minted in an exceptionally small edition of 10,000 copies using the proof production process.
Latvia 01 Dec. 2015 Stork 20001


Description : From mid‐April to the end of August, the white stork's nests and their inhabitants dominate the Latvian landscape ‐ 5% of all white storks in the world breed here. The shy and hidden breeding Black Stork ‐ more common in the Baltic States than in Central and Western Europe ‐ has been the subject of a conservation programme supported by the "Latvian Ornithological Society", founded 30 years ago, for the past 10 years. Storks in general are considered a symbol of nature conservation. The motif of the stork already existed on the former national currency, the lats, on the 1‐lats coin in circulation. Below the motif the issuing country "LATVIJA" (Latvia) and below it the year of issue "2015" can be seen. The coin, designed by Olga Šilova, was minted without mintmark by the Lithuanian mint Lietuvos monetų kalykla in Vilnius.
Lithuania 14 Dec. 2015 Lithuanian Language 20001
20002 20005


Description : The German linguist August Schleicher (1821‐1868) recognised that Lithuanian is the most conservative, ancient living Indo‐European language, highly frequented with grammatical forms, some of which can also be found in Sanskrit or in other ancient languages ‐ known in the German‐speaking world as "Indo‐Germanic" ‐ such as ancient Greek or Latin. In 1861 he attempted to reconstruct the original language, called "Protoindoeuropean", by including Lithuanian. Book smuggling from Prussia undermined the ban on the printing of Lithuanian books with Latin letters. This ban together with the boycott of Cyrillic script was lifted in 1904. The letters of the largely phonetic Lithuanian alphabet form the background of the coin motif designed by Liudas Parulskis, the pre‐production plaster model was created by Giedrius Paulauskis. The emboldened word "AČIŪ" means "thank you" and below it to the right is the circular mint mark "LMK" of the Lithuanian mint Lietuvos monetų kalykla in Vilnius. At the bottom is the issuing country "LIETUVA" (Lithuania) and below that is the year "2015".
Greece 23 Dec. 2015 75 years since the death of Spyros Louis 20001


Description : In 1896, at the first Olympic Games of modern times, a marathon was held at the suggestion of the Philhellene Michael Bréal. At that time, silver medals were awarded to the winners, and the winner of the marathon, Spyros Louis, also received a silver cup donated by Bréal, which survived the turbulent 20th century unscathed in the family's possession and is now on display in the Acropolis Museum. The 15 cm high goblet is decorated with birds, an insect and marsh plants such as the iris, which symbolizes chivalry and was once native to the Marathon marshes, which were drained in the mid‐20th century. The inscription reads: "Olympic Games ‐ 1896 ‐ Marathon trophy ‐ donated by Michael Bréal". The design of the coin depicts the athlete, according to a contemporary photograph, dressed in the traditional costume of the Evzones and in front of the Panathenian Stadium, which serves as the finishing line, a reconstruction of the stadium built around 330 BC for the Panathenian Games. On the left is the state name "ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ" (Hellenic Republic) and on the right "75 ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΜΝΗΜΗΣ ΣΠΥΡΟΥ ΛΟΥΗ" (75 years of commemoration of Spyros Louis). Above the cup is the year of issue "2015", to the right of which is a palmette the mint mark of the Greek mint Νομισματοκοπειο / Nomismatokopeio (Bank of Greece ‐ Mint) in Halandri. At the lower edge of the coin's design is the signet "ΣΤΑΜ" of designer Georgios Stamatopoulos.
Andorra 18 Jul. 2016 25th anniversary of signing the Customs Agreement with the EU 20001


Description : The coin commemorates the 25th anniversary of the signing of the customs agreement with the European Union and was designed by the Ateliers de Gravure of the Monnaie de Paris. It shows the outline of the Principality and within it the coat of arms of Andorra with the Latin motto "VIRTVS VNITA FORTIOR" (Virtus unita fortior, United Virtue is stronger). Shown on the coat of arms is the mitre and crosier of the Bishop of Urgell, Prince of Andorra together with three stakes of the coat of arms of Foix and four of Catalonia respectively, and the two cows taken from the flag of the Counts of Béarn. Below them are two arrows running in opposite directions symbolise the customs agreement between Andorra and the EU, and are enscribed "1990 ANDORRA" and "2015". The semi‐circular two‐line inscription running from the top to the middle of the coin reads "25è aniversari de la Signatura de l'Acord Duaner amb la Unió Europea" (25 anniversary of signing the customs agreement with the European Union). Andorran coins are minted alternately in the countries of the Princes of Andorra; in 2015 this was the turn of the Monnaie de Paris in Pessac. Due to organisational problems, the coin could not be issued until 2016.
Andorra 18 Jul. 2016 30th anniversary of 18 becoming the legal age 20001


Description : In 1985 in Andorra 18 became the age of majority with the associated political rights for men and women. The coin, designed by the Italian designer Orietta Rossi, depicts a young person voting and inserting the ballot marked "ANDORRA" into the ballot box. At the top of the coin are the years "1985" and "2015". The inscription around the outside of the motif reads "30è ANIVERSARI MAJORIA D'EDAT ALS 18 ANYS" (30th anniversary of 18 becoming the legal age). Andorran coins are minted alternately in the countries of the Princes of Andorra; in 2015 it was the turn of the Monnaie de Paris in Pessac. Due to organisational problems the coin could not be issued until 2016.
⇓ 2016 ⇓
References :
20001 Images taken with authorisation by the ECB - Mail dated 20.Feb.2020
© "European Central Bank"
20002 Data mirrored from Wikipedia Page "2_euro_commemorative_coins"
with friendly support of the guardians of that page.
20003 Not Applicable   20004 Coloured version of this Commemorative Coin in circulation
EU-legal-technical specifications do not recongnise colour prints, but the EU is tolerate them, due to the facts that their numbers are very small and that they are sold in special packs and therefor are very unlikely to be used as currency.
20005 enlarged Images taken with authorisation by Gerd Seyffert
© "Gerd Seyffert 2021"
20006 Not Applicable