C o m m e m o r a t i v e    C o i n s  
The edge lettering on the Luxembourg 2‐Euro‐commemorative coins is :
Image Country Date Feature Ref. Volume  
Luxembourg 26 Jul. 2004 Effigy and Monogram of Grand Duke Henri
1st coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : Grand Duke Henri is depicted in profile on the left, and his monogram, an "H" under a royal crown, on the right. This has been applied in a sparkling appearing surface structure with the special minting technique called MSP (Minted Security Printing), whereby in parts of the coin specimens this partial motif appears differently with regard to the height of the placement and the lateral inclination ‐ as if tilted to the right or left. The twelve stars of Europe surround the monogram in a semicircle at the edge of the pill. The design concept comes from the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank), the portrait was originally created by Yvette Gastauer‐Claire, whose initials "gc" appear on the left lapel of the bust. At the bottom of the ring is the inscription "HENRI ‐ Grand‐Duc de Luxembourg" (Henri ‐ Grand Duke of Luxembourg), at the top the name of the issuing country "LËTZEBUERG ‐" (Luxembourg) and to the left the year of issue "2004", flanked on the left by the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland the logo of mint master Maarten Brouwer and on the right by a staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht.
Luxembourg 15 Feb. 2005 50th birthday of Grand Duke Henri, 5th anniversary of his accession to the throne and 100th anniversary of the death of Grand Duke Adolphe
2nd coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : The coin shows the portraits of Grand Dukes Henri and his great‐great‐grandfather Adolph, who lost the Duchy of Nassau as a result of the Prussian annexation in 1866, looking to the right. After the extinction of the Dutch royal house in the male line, he became Grand Duke of Luxembourg in 1890, as only male succession applied there. The model for the portrait of Adolphe was created by the sculptor and medallist Thomas Vinçotte (1850‐1925), the portrait was created by Yvette Gastauer‐Claire, whose initials "gc" appear on the left lapel of the bust. The design concept comes from the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank). Below the portraits are their names ‐ each in two lines ‐ as well as the year of birth "HENRI * 1955" for Henri and the year of death "ADOLPHE † 1905" for Adolph. The inscription "GRAND‐DUCS DE LUXEMBOURG" (Grand Dukes of Luxembourg) is at the top. The ring contains the twelve stars of Europe in between the letters of the country's name "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg). The year "2005" is grouped in two parts around the 6 o'clock star, flanked on the left by the abbreviation "S" (Suomi, Finland in Finnish) for production at the Finnish mint Suomen Rahapaja OY in Vantaa and on the right by its mint mark, a horn of plenty with roundels.
Luxembourg 01 Feb. 2006 25th birthday of Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume
3rd coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : The coin shows the portraits of Grand Duke Henri on the left and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume on the right, looking to the right, according to a design concept of the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank) based on photographs. The country name "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg) is at the top and the year of issue "2006" at the bottom, flanked on the left by the country abbreviation "S" (Suomi, Finland in Finnish) and on the right by a horn of plenty with rounds the mint mark of the Finnish mint Suomen Rahapaja OY in Vantaa. The plaster model of the coin was made by Erkki Vainio.
Luxembourg 02 Feb. 2007 Grand Ducal Palace
4th coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : The coin design, based on a design concept of the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank), shows on the left the city residence of the Grand Ducal family of Luxembourg, which was built as the City Hall in 1572‐1574 and extended to become the Grand Ducal Palace in 1891‐1894. On the right is the portrait of Grand Duke Henri in half‐profile and the country name "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg) below. On the left the year of issue "2007" is depicted vertically, above it a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac and below it a hunting horn with the sign of the zodiac Pisces the logo of the mint master Hubert Larivière.
Luxembourg 26 Mar. 2007 50th anniversary of the Signature of the Treaty of Rome 20001


Description : The Treaty establishing the European Community, called the Treaty of Rome (originally called the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community and renamed the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union in December 2009) was signed on 25 March 1957 by Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands at the Conservatory Palace in Rome. It came into force on 1st of January 1958. At the same time two other treaties were concluded, the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, which established EURATOM, and the Agreement on Institutions Common to the European Communities, which stipulated that the European Economic Community (EEC), the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) and the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) had a common parliamentary assembly (now the European Parliament), a common Court of Justice and a common Economic and Social Committee. On the 5th of May 2006, EU Commissioner Joaquín Almunia and Eurogroup President Jean‐Claude Juncker announced the first transnational 2‐Euro commemorative coin to mark the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. The directors of the Italian mint Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, the Spanish mint Real Casa de la Moneda and the Austrian Mint Münze Österreich AG met in Vienna to exchange ideas. The ideas were presented and amalgamated into a design by the commissioned engraver Helmut Andexlinger, after approval he produced a model of the coin. It shows the treaty with the signatures of the representatives from the six founding states, framed by the pavement pattern of the Capitol Square in Rome, designed by Michelangelo where the treaty was signed.
National characteristics : At the top are the words "TRAITÉ DE ROME" (Treaty of Rome) and "50 ANS" (50 years), below it is an illustration of the treaty with the words "EUROPE", below that is the year "2007" flanked on the left by a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac and on the right by a hunting horn with the sign of the zodiac Pisces the logo of mint master Hubert Larivière and the country name "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg). The Luxembourg coins also have a latent image of Grand Duke Henri imprinted on the left side of the document, as according to Luxembourg law no national coin may be issued without the face of the head of state (or at least not without his monogram).
Luxembourg 01 Feb. 2008 Berg Castle
5th coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : The coin design, based on a design concept of the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank), depicts Grand Duke Henri in half‐profile on the left, with the residence of the Grand Ducal family, Berg Castle, designed by Max Ostenrieder and Pierre Funck‐Eydt under Grand Duke Wilhelm IV and built in 1907‐1911, to the right. The name of the issuing country "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg) can be seen below, the year of issue "2008" above, flanked on the left by a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac and on the right by a hunting horn with the sign of the zodiac Pisces the logo of the French mint master Hubert Larivière.
Luxembourg 15 Jan. 2009 10 years of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) 20001


Description : In 1972 the European Exchange Rate Mechanism was created to limit fluctuations between currencies. In 1975 a basket of currencies was used to define the European Currency Unit (ECU) and in 1979 the European Monetary System was created. 1990 saw the start of the first stage of European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and in 1994 the second stage, during which the European Monetary Institute prepared for the establishment of the European Central Bank (ECB). In 1996 the European Commission established the currency abbreviation €. In 1999, saw the third stage of EMU, all participating currencies were linked to the euro by exchange rate parity. In 2008 a design competition was held for the EMU Community Edition coin and out of 5 proposals a winner, Georgios Stamatopoulos was determined by an online vote. The design shows a stylised human stick figure on the blank space of an irregularly shaped ancient coin, with the € symbol on the left arm. It symbolises the transition from the bartering of archaic times to European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Below the € symbol are the years "1999‐2009".
National characteristics : Above is the name of the issuing country "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg), the acronym of the occasion of issue below is "UEM". Above the number "1999" is a square around the designer's "ΓΣ" deviating from the usual place due to multi-view minting. The logo of mint master Maarten Brouwer, the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland, flanks the 6 o'clock star on the left and the staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht on the right. Above the motif is the portrait of Grand Duke Henri designed by Alain Hoffmann as a latent image, since according to Luxembourg law no national coin may be issued without the portrait of the head of state (or at least his monogram).
Luxembourg 15 Jan. 2009 90th anniversary of Grand Duchess Charlotte's Accession to the Throne
6th coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : The coin, based on a design concept by the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank), commemorates the 90th anniversary of Grand Duchess Charlotte's accession to the throne on the 14th of January 1919. She took over the throne from her sister Marie‐Adélaide, who abdicated due to political pressure for her role during the German occupation in the First World War, and held the Luxembourg office until the 12th of November 1964. The coin shows in half‐profile the portraits of Grand Duke Henri and his grandmother, Grand Duchess Charlotte (1896‐1985), looking to the left. On the left, the name of the country "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg) and the year of issue "2009" are written in two vertical lines, the latter flanked at the top by a staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht and at the bottom by the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland the logo of mint master Maarten Brouwer.
Luxembourg 14 Jan. 2010 Coat of Arms of Grand Duke Henri
7th coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : The coin design, based on a design concept of the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank), depicts Grand Duke Henri in half‐profile on the left, with the Grand Duke's small coat of arms to the right, whose escutcheon shows two images each of the coats of arms of the Houses of Nassau (rising lion) and Luxembourg (rising Luxembourg lion with double tail) under a crown. Below is the country of issue "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg), above the year of issue "2010", flanked on the right by a staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht and on the left by the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland the logo of mint master Maarten Brouwer.
Luxembourg 03 Feb. 2011 50th anniversary of the Appointment of Jean by his mother Charlotte, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg as lieutenant-représentant
8th coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : On the 28th of April 1961, Grand Duchess Charlotte appointed Prince Jean as her Governor, whereby the Hereditary Grand Duke took over the official duties of Luxembourg's Head of State on behalf of his mother. The coin design, based on a design concept by the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank), features the portraits of the three successive rulers, Grand Duchess Charlotte, Grand Duke Jean and the current Grand Duke Henri, with their names "Charlotte", "Jean" and "Henri" below them. The motif is surrounded by ten concentric circles of writing, each of which reads in fourfold repetition: "Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg ‐ Grand‐Duché de Luxembourg ‐ Großherzogtum Luxemburg". At the top is the country name "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg) and above it the year of issue "2011", flanked on the right by an Hermes staff the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht and on the left by the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland the logo of mint master Maarten Brouwer.
Luxembourg 30 Jan. 2012 10 years Euro‐Currency 20001


Description : To mark the tenth anniversary of the final adoption of the euro as cash, all 17 EU countries using the euro as their official currency issued a commemorative € 2 coin. There were five designs submitted, which could be voted for online. The result was announed on the 30th of June 2011: the winning design was created by Helmut Andexlinger and shows a globe in the middle, overlaid with the euro symbol. The importance of the euro in Europe and the world as a whole coupled with the fact that it has become a global player in the international monetary system over the last ten years, is illustrated by the euro symbol. According to the designer, the symbolic elements around the stylised globe represent the suggestion that the euro offers more opportunities for businesses and markets which in turn ensures economic stability by encouraging investment in this environment. The factory shape symbolises production, the cargo ship trade, all of which benefit the symbolic family of four with three homes by providing more quality jobs and stable consumer prices. The symbol of the Eurotower in Frankfurt/M. represents financial strength and the two wind turbines shows stimulation in innovative investments that this environment presents, whose central element is the euro. At the bottom of the coin are the years "2002 and "2012".
National characteristics : At the top of the coin is the name of the issuing country "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg). The logo of mint master Maarten Brouwer, the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland, and a staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht are depicted on the right between the symbols of homes and family. Above the € symbol in the centre is the portrait of Grand Duke Henri designed by Alain Hoffmann as a latent image, since according to Luxembourg law no national coin may be issued without the portrait of the head of state (or at least not without his monogram).
Luxembourg 30 Jan. 2012 100 years since the death of William IV, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
9th coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : The coin design, based on a design concept of the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank), shows Grand Duke Henri and his great‐grandfather William IV, who died 100 years ago, in front of the silhouette of the city of Luxembourg with the Cathedral of Our Lady built in the 18th century. Below the portraits are their names "HENRI" on the left and "GUILLAUME IV" (William IV) on the right, as well as his year of death "† 1912". The three‐line inscription at the top reads in French "GRAND‐DUCS DE LUXEMBOURG" (Grand Dukes of Luxenburg), indicating the country of issue, but the previous Luxembourg euro coins designated this in the national language Luxembourgish as "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg). Above it is the year of issue "2012", flanked on the right by an Hermes staff the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht and on the left by the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland the logo of mint master Maarten Brouwer.
Luxembourg 20 Dec. 2012 Royal Wedding of Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg to Countess Stéphanie de Lannoy
10th coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : On the 19th and 20th of October 2012, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Countess Stéphanie de Lannoy were married in a civil ceremony and in church respectively. Grand Duke Henri is depicted behind the bride and groom on the coin. The design concept following the photo templates comes from the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank). The coin was produced using the MPI (Minted Photo Image) minting technique. Below, the commemorative occasion "PRËNZENHOCHZÄIT" (prince's wedding), the issuing country "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg) and the year "2012" are mentioned in three lines, flanked on the right by an Hermes staff the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht and on the left by the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland the logo of mint master Maarten Brouwer.
Luxembourg 16 Oct. 2013 National Anthem of the Grand Duchy
11th coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : The coin design, based on a design concept by the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank), shows the effigy of Grand Duke Henri on the right, and the notes and text of the first verse of the Luxembourg national anthem on the left: "Wou d’Uelzecht durech d’Wisen zéit, duerch d’Fielsen d’Sauer brécht, wou d’Rief laanscht d’Musel dofteg bléit, den Himmel Wäin ons mecht: Dat ass onst Land, fir dat mer géif heinidden alles won, onst Heemechtsland dat mir sou déif an onsen Hierzer dron. Onst Heemechtsland dat mir sou déif an onsen Hierzer dron" (Where the Alzette runs through the meadows, the Sauer breaks through the rocks, the vine blossoms along the Moselle, the sky promises wine: There is the land for whose honour no sacrifice is too hard for us, the homeland that rests as a dear possession in our hearts). The name of the hymn Ons Heemecht (Our Homeland) is shown above, the name of the issuing country "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg) below and below that the year of issue "2013", the latter flanked on the right by a staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht and on the left by the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland the logo of mint master Maarten Brouwer.
Luxembourg 06 Jan. 2014 175th anniversary of the independence of the Grand‐Duchy of Luxembourg
12th coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : The commemorative coin dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Luxembourg's independence in 1839, based on a design concept by the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank), is divided into three parts: At the top right is an image of Grand Duke Henri. At the top left, the dates "1839" for the year of independence and "2014" as the year of issue as well as the country's name "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg) are shown in three lines and in a vertical font arrangement, whereby the year of issue is flanked on the left a staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht and on the right by the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland the logo of mint master Maarten Brouwer. The occasion of issue "ONOFHÄNGEGKEET 175 Joër" (175 Years of Independence) is mentioned in two lines below.
Luxembourg 06 Nov. 2014 50th anniversary of Grand Duke Jean's accession to the throne
13th coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : The coin, minted to commemorate Grand Duke Jean's 1964 accession to the throne, shows his half‐portrait and that of his son, the reigning Grand Duke Henri, beneath the crown of Luxembourg depicted in stylised form with the imperial orb. The upper rim of the pill bears in a circle the inscription "50e ANNIVERSAIRE DE L'ACCESSION AU TRÔNE DU GRAND‐DUC JEAN" (50th anniversary of the accession to the throne by Grand Duke Jean). The coin, based on a design concept of the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank), mentions above Jean's portrait the year "1964" of his accession to the throne, and below the portraits the names "Jean" and "Henri". The year of issue "2014" shown below is flanked on the right by a staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht and on the left by the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland the logo of mint master Maarten Brouwer. Luxembourg as the issuing country is not shown on the coin.
Luxembourg 08 Jun. 2015 15th anniversary of Grand Duke Henri Accession to the Throne
14th coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : The commemorative coin shows Grand Duke Henri together with Grand Duchess Maria Teresa Mestre. Below the portraits is the two‐line inscription in French "15e anniversaire de l'accession au trône de S.A.R. le Grand‐Duc" (15th anniversary of the accession to the throne of H.R.H. the Grand Duke). S.A.R. is the abbreviation for the French form of address Son Altesse Royale (His Royal Highness). The country of issue "Luxembourg" is also designated in French in the upper right (instead of as Lëtzebuerg in the national language Luxembourgish). Above this, the year of accession to the throne is named "2000", and below that the year of issue "2015". The coin, which is based on a design concept of the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank), is produced using the MPI (Minted Photo Image) minting technique by the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht, whose mint mark, a staff of Hermes, appears at the bottom right next to the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland the logo of mint master Maarten Brouwer.
Luxembourg 15 Oct. 2015 125th anniversary of the Nassau-Weilburg Dynasty
15th coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : On the left side of the coin, designed by Herbert Wähner, is the portrait of Grand Duke Henri and on the right side, in semicircular arrangement and chronological order of accession to the throne, are the portraits of the Grand Dukes of Luxembourg who emerged from the House of Nassau‐Weilburg from 1890 onwards: Adolphe, Guillaume IV, Marie‐Adélaide, Charlotte and Jean. On the right is written in a semicircle "1890 ‐ DYNASTIE NASSAU‐WEILBOURG". The country of issue "LUXEMBOURG" (in French, not "LËTZEBUERG" in the national language Luxembourgish) and the year "2015" are indicated in vertical script in the centre, below it on the left the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland the logo of mint master Maarten Brouwer and on the right a staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht.
Luxembourg 03 Dec. 2015 30 years EU‐Flag 20001


Description : From 1950, the Council of Europe had been working on the design of a flag for Europe. The proposal to adopt the emblem of the Paneuropa Union, founded by Richard Coudenhove‐Kalergi in 1922, was rejected because of its supposed Christian symbolism. In 1955 it was agreed that the European flag, also adopted by the European Community on 29th of June 1985, would be the European flag with the twelve (a number of twelve is considered a sign of perfection) golden stars in a circular (symbolising unity) arrangement on a blue background. To mark the 30th anniversary of the EU flag, all 19 EU countries which use the euro as their official currency issued a commemorative €2 coin. There were five designs to choose from which could be voted for online. The result was declared on 28th of May 2015. The coin design was created by Georgios Stamatopoulos, coin designer at the Bank of Greece, whose initials "ΓΣ" can be seen in the lower right‐hand corner. It shows twelve stylised persons in a circle around a European flag with the twelve euro stars.
National characteristics : Above is the name of the issuing country "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg) followed by the dates "1985‐2015". On the right, the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland are depicted the logo of the mint master Maarten Brouwer. The coin was produced without mint mark by the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandske Munt in Utrecht. A latent image of Grand Duke Henri is also displayed, as according to Luxembourg law no national coin may be issued without the image of the head of state (or at least not without his monogram).
Luxembourg 06 May 2016 The 50th anniversary of the "Grand Duchess Charlotte Bridge"
16th coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : The coin motif, designed by Herbert Wähner, shows the bridge named after Grand Duchess Charlotte, the main transport link between Luxembourg's city centre and the Kirchberg plateau, where the institutions of the European Union are located. Built according to plans by Egon Jux, the structure, called Groussherzogin‐Charlotte‐Bréck or Rout Bréck (Red Bridge) in Luxembourgish, spans the Alzette at a height of 74 metres. The bridge illustration shows the French name "Pont Grande‐Duchesse Charlotte" (Grand Duchess Charlotte Bridge), below it the year "1966" as the year of inauguration and below that the name of the issuing country "LUXEMBOURG" (Luxembourg in French). At the top Grand Duke Henri is depicted in half‐profile and to the left of him the year of issue "2016". Above is a staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht and below it the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland the logo of mint master Maarten Brouwer. Coins manufactured in the Proof minting process and issued in the Proof set 2016‐18 feature the national mint mark, the Luxembourg lion with double tail, above "2016" and below the Servaasbrug (Sint Servaas Bridge in Maastricht) the logo of mint master Stephan Satijn.
Luxembourg 02 Jan. 2017 The 50th anniversary of the voluntariness of the Luxembourg army
17th coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : The organisation of the Luxembourg Armed Forces is based on the law of 29th of June 1967. Luxembourg does not have its own air force, but it cooperates closely with its neighbour Belgium in terms of security policy. The Luxembourg army is integrated into NATO. Military service is voluntary, but it facilitates access to a career in the civil service (e.g. police or customs). The coin design, based on a concept of the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank), shows Grand Duke Henri in profile on the right, and on the left the occasion of issue "50 JOER FRAĪWËLLEGEN‐ARMÉI" (50 Years of the Volunteer Army) is mentioned in three lines, with the insignia of the Volunteer Army depicted in the letter "O", two crossed swords behind the laurel‐wreathed coat of arms of Luxembourg with the Luxembourg lion with double tail in the escutcheon. Below is the country name "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg), above the year of issue "2017", flanked on the right by a staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht and on the left by the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland the logo of mint master Maarten Brouwer. Coins manufactured in the Proof minting process and issued in the Proof set 2016‐18 feature the national mint mark, the Luxembourg lion with double tail, to the right of "2016" and to the left of it the Servaasbrug (Sint‐Servaas Bridge in Maastricht) the logo of mint master Stephan Satijn.
Luxembourg 26 Oct. 2017 The 200th anniversary of the Grand Duke Guillaume III
18th coin of the Grand-Ducal Dynasty series


Description : William III (1817‐1890) was Duke of Limburg from 1849 to 1866 and King of the Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxembourg in personal union from 1849 until his death. In 1867, the Luxembourg Crisis occurred when Napoleon III tried to buy Luxembourg from him. In the Second Treaty of London, Luxembourg was then declared "forever neutral". On the commemorative coin commemorating the 200th anniversary of his birth, William III is depicted on the right after a portrait painted in 1861 by Johan Hendrik Hoffmeister (1823‐1904). On his neck he wears the Order of the Golden Fleece, furthermore (from top to bottom) the stylised breast stars of the Military Order of Wilhelm and the Order of the Lion of the Netherlands as well as the highest order of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Nassau House Order of the Golden Lion. The reason for its foundation was the 600th anniversary of the division of the House of Nassau into the Ottonian and the Walramic lines as well as the fiftieth anniversary of the Duchy of Nassau. The coin, designed by Alain Hoffmann, shows Grand Duke Henri in half‐profile on the left and his name "HENRI" in vertical lettering underneath, with the year of issue "2017" above it. The French form of William III's name and the year of his birth are depicted in an arch at the top right with "GUILLAUME III ☆ 1817", and the inscription "GRANDS‐DUCS DE LUXEMBOURG" (Grand Dukes of Luxembourg) at the bottom. At the bottom left the sails of the three‐masted clipper Nederland the logo of mint master Maarten Brouwer and a staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht. In the Proof set 2016‐18, the logo of mint master Stephan Satijn, the Servaasbrug (Sint‐Servaas Bridge in Maastricht), and the national mint mark, the Luxembourg lion with double tail, are depicted instead below the portrait of Henri.
Luxembourg 19 Dec. 2017 150 years of the Luxembourg Costitution
19th coin of the Grand‐Ducal Dynasty series


Description : On the 17th of October 1868, a comprehensive revision of the text of the Constitution of 1848 came into force. On the occasion of the 150th anniversary, the coin designed by Herbert Wähner names the year "1868" of the entry into force of the constitution to the right of the portrait of Grand Duke Henri, the year of issue "2018" and in French "150 ANS" (150 years) as well as the occasion of issue "CONSTITUTION DU GRAND‐DUCHÉ DE LUXEMBOURG" (Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) in three lines in the lower half of the pill. Above the country name, the cross‐section of an open book symbolises the text of the constitution. The mint marks flanking the year of issue exist in three different combinations: On coins in rolls, the national mint mark, the Luxembourg lion with double tail, is depicted on the left, and on the right a staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht. Coincards and coin sets also show the staff of Hermes on the right and the Servaasbrug (Sint Servaas Bridge in Maastricht) the logo of mint master Stephan Satijn on the left. This is also shown on the left side of coins produced in the Proof manufactoring process, but with the Luxembourg lion with double tail on the right side.
Luxembourg 27 Aug. 2018 175 years since the death of Grand Duke William I
20th coin of the Grand‐Ducal Dynasty series


Description : William I (1772‐1843) of the House of Orange‐Nassau was Prince of Nassau‐Orania‐Fulda and from 1815 to 1840 Grand Duke of Luxembourg and in personal union King of the Netherlands as well as 1839/1840 Duke of Limburg. The coin, designed by Herbert Wähner, shows him with the Military Order of Wilhelm to the left of Grand Duke Henri, after a painting - albeit reversed - created in 1819 by by Joseph Paelinck (1781‐1839) from 1819. The vertical inscription gives his French name "GUILLAUME Ier" (William I) and in a second line his dates of life "1772‐1843". Below is the country name "LUXEMBOURG" (Luxembourg in French) and above it the year of issue "2018". The latter is flanked by two mint marks, which exist in three different combinations: On coins in rolls, the national mint mark, the Luxembourg lion with double tail, is depicted on the left and a staff of Hermes is shown on the right the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht. Coincards also show the staff of Hermes on the right, but the Servaasbrug (Sint‐Servaas Bridge in Maastricht) the logo of mint master Stephan Satijn on the left. This is also shown on the left side of coins produced in the Proof manufactoring process, but with the Luxembourg lion with double tail on the right side.
Luxembourg 27 Dec. 2018 100th anniversary of Grand Duchess Charlotte's accession to the throne
21st coin of the Grand‐Ducal Dynasty series


Description : The coin, designed by Herbert Wähner, shows Grand Duke Henri in frontal view on the left and his grandmother, Grand Duchess Charlotte (1896‐1985), on the right, wearing the Nassau Diadem made in 1865. She became Grand Duchess of Luxembourg and Duchess of Nassau after the abdication of her sister Maria‐Adelheid in 1919 and married Felix of Bourbon‐Parma in the same year. In 1964 she abdicated in favour of her son Jean. The issue occasion "Centenaire de l'accession au thône de la Grande‐Duchesse Charlotte" (100th anniversary of Grand Duchess Charlotte's accession to the throne) is named above in French in the form of an arch. The name of the issuing country "LUXEMBOURG" (Luxembourg in French) and the year of issue "2019" are shown below, flanked by two mint marks. These exist in three different combinations: On coins in rolls, the national mint mark, the Luxembourg lion with double tail, is depicted on the left and a staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht is shown on the right. Coincards also show the staff of Hermes on the right, but the Servaasbrug (Sint‐Servaas Bridge in Maastricht) the logo of mint master Stephan Satijn on the left. This is also shown on the left side of coins produced in the Proof manufactoring process, but with the Luxembourg lion with double tail on the right side.
Luxembourg 19 Sep. 2019 100 years of universal suffrage in Luxembourg
22nd coin of the Grand‐Ducal Dynasty series


Description : In June 1918, parliamentary work began on Luxembourg's long‐planned constitutional reform. In the process, suffrage also came on the agenda at the beginning of 1919 ‐ only wealthy men were entitled to vote under the current census suffrage law. Although all parties supported the principle of universal suffrage, women's suffrage was only supported by the socialist and conservative deputies. In May 1919, the right to vote and to stand for election for women and men was adopted by a three‐quarters majority, and parliamentary elections were held as early as October. Four women stood as candidates. Marguerite Thomas‐Clement, a teacher, was elected on the socialist list ‐ Luxembourg's first female member of parliament. The coin, designed by Herbert Wähner, shows the image of Grand Duke Henri and a ballot box into which a woman's hand inserts a ballot paper under the heading in French "Centenaire du suffrage universel" (one hundred years of universal suffrage) and the dates "1919‐2019" written in two lines. The country of issue "LUXEMBOURG" (Luxembourg in French) is named at the bottom. The mint marks flanking the year of issue exist in three different combinations: On coins in rolls, the national mint mark, the Luxembourg lion with double tail, is depicted on the left and a staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht is shown on the right. Coincards also show the staff of Hermes on the right, but the Servaasbrug (Sint‐Servaas Bridge in Maastricht) the logo of mint master Stephan Satijn on the left. This is also shown on the left side of coins produced in the Proof manufactoring process, but with the Luxembourg lion with double tail on the right side.
Luxembourg 26 Feb. 2020 Bicentenary of the birth of Prince Henry of Orange-Nassau
23rd coin of the Grand‐Ducal Dynasty series


Beschreibung : Henry of Orange‐Nassau (1820‐1879) was appointed Governor of Luxembourg in 1850 by his brother William III, who was Grand Duke of Luxembourg and at the same time King of the Netherlands and Duke of Limburg in personal union. He held this office until his death. To the left of the present Grand Duke Henri, the coin designer Herbert Wähner has depicted Prince Henry (whose mother Anna Pavlovna was Grand Duchess of Russia) in the style of a painting from 1870 now in the Alexander Palace in Pushkin near St. Petersburg, but reversed to the original. On the left, in a semicircle, is "Prince Henri d'Orange‐Nassau" (Prince Henry of Orange‐Nassau). Below his portrait are the dates of life "1820" and "1879", below "LUXEMBOURG" (Luxembourg in French) and the year of issue "2020", flanked by two mint marks. These exist in three different combinations: On coins in rolls, the national mint mark, the Luxembourg lion with double tail, is depicted on the left and a staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht is shown on the right. Coincards also show the staff of Hermes on the right, but the Servaasbrug (Sint‐Servaas Bridge in Maastricht) the logo of mint master Stephan Satijn on the left. This is also shown on the left side of coins produced in the Proof manufactoring process, but with the Luxembourg lion with double tail on the right side.
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Luxembourg 24 Dec. 2020 Birth of Prince Charles of Luxembourg
24th coin of the Grand‐Ducal Dynasty series


Beschreibung : Prince Charles Jean Philippe Joseph Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg is the first child of Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie and is second in line to the Luxembourg throne after his father. Based on a design concept of the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank), the coin shows the prince after a photo in front of his parents, at the age of six weeks. The Grand Duke Henri, grandfather of the Prince, who is otherwise depicted on Luxembourg commemorative coins, is represented on the left by his monogram, an "H" under a royal crown. According to the bank, the Luxembourg Constitution did not have to be changed for this. The coin is produced in two minting variants, normal relief minting and MPI photo minting. Next to the country name "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg), which is depicted on the left in vertical lettering, the title and the date of birth of the prince are written in two lines at the bottom: "S.A.R. DE PRËNZ CHARLES" (Son Altesse royale / His Royal Highness the Prince Charles) and "☆ 10.5.2020". The circulation coins bear a staff of Hermes next to the 5 o'clock star the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Houten and the national mint mark, the Luxembourg lion with double tail, next to the 7 o'clock star. Coincards also show the staff of Hermes on the right, but the Servaasbrug (Sint‐Servaas Bridge in Maastricht) on the left the logo of mint master Stephan Satijn. This is also shown on the left side of coins produced in the Proof manufactoring process, but on the right side the Luxembourg lion with double tail is depicted.
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Luxembourg 19 Apr. 2021 100th birthday of Grand Duke Jean
25th coin in the Grand‐Ducal Dynasty series


Beschreibung : During the Second World War, the Grand Ducal family was in exile in Canada and Great Britain, together with the government of Luxembourg. Jean von Nassau (1921‐2019) joined the British Regiment of Irish Guards in 1942 and participated as an officer in the liberation of the continent. He served as Grand Duke of Luxembourg and Duke of Nassau from 1964 to 2000. His portrait, based on a photograph, is depicted following a design concept of the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank), next to a three‐quarter profile of the reigning Grand Duke Henri and in front of the silhouette of Luxembourg City Cathedral, shown from the west, and Adolphe Bridge. On the left and above is written "GROUSSHERZOGE VU LËTZEBUERG" (Grand Dukes of Luxembourg), on the left is "1921" as Jean's year of birth and next to it in vertical letters his name "JEAN" and on the right the name "HENRI". The year of issue "2021" is shown at the bottom right. The coin is produced in two minting variants, in normal relief minting and in MPI photo minting. The circulation coins bear a staff of Hermes to the right of the 6 o'clock star the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Houten and the national mint mark, the Luxembourg lion with double tail, to the left. Coins issued in coincards or coin sets in relief minting also show a staff of Hermes on the right, but the Servaasbrug (Sint‐Servaas Bridge in Maastricht) the logo of Stephan Satijn on the left. This is also depicted on the left of coins produced in the Proof manufactoring process, but on the right is the Luxembourg lion with double tail.
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Luxembourg 19 Apr. 2021 40th wedding anniversary of Grand Duke Henri and
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa
26th coin in the Grand‐Ducal Dynasty series


Beschreibung : Born Maria Teresa Mestre Batista in Havana, Cuba, in 1956, the present Grand Duchess moved with her family to New York City in 1959 and later to Geneva, where she met Hereditary Grand Duke Henri while studying political science together. The commemorative coin for the 40th wedding anniversary shows the couple, following a design concept of the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg - BCL (Luxembourg Central Bank), after a photograph. The wedding date "14. FEBRUAR 1981" (14 February 1981) is flanked by rose petals on the left and wedding rings on the right. Below is the name of the issuing country "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg). The commemorative coins, produced in two minting processes ‐ relief and MPI photo minting ‐ bear three different combinations of mint marks: The circulation coins bear a staff of Hermes to the right of the 6 o'clock star the mint mark of the Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Houten and the national mint mark, the Luxembourg lion with double tail, to the left. Coins issued in coincards or coin sets in relief minting also show a staff of Hermes on the right, but the Servaasbrug (Sint‐Servaas Bridge in Maastricht) the logo of Stephan Satijn on the left. This is also depicted on the left of coins produced in the Proof manufactoring process, but on the right is the Luxembourg lion with double tail.
Luxembourg 01 Jul. 2022 50th anniverasy of the legal protection of the Flag of Luxembourg
27th coin in the Grand‐Ducal Dynasty series


Work in progress
Luxembourg 01 Jul. 2022 10th wedding anniversary of Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume
and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie
28th coin in the Grand‐Ducal Dynasty series


Work in progress
Luxembourg 01 Jul. 2022 35th anniversary of the Erasmus Program 20003


Description : ERASMUS is a backronym for EuRopean Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students. The ERASMUS exchange programme is aimed at EU citizens who have been studying at a university for at least one year and supports a three to twelve‐month stay abroad at a university within the EU, or an internship. In addition, there are master's and doctoral programmes, programmes for young entrepreneurs, for school education, vocational training and adult education. Internships as well as professional development measures are financially supported and language courses abroad are also made possible for working people. The backronym refers to the Dutch philosopher and theologian Erasmus of Rotterdam (∼1466‐1536), described as "the crowning glory of the Christian humanists", depicted after a painting by Hans Holbein the Younger created in 1523. The French coin designer Joaquin Jimenez, whose initials "J.J." appear next to Erasmus' pen, has designed as a background a network of connecting lines between the twelve stars arranged in a circle and symbolising Europe, which is intended to represent the manifold intellectual and human exchanges between European students. By relieving some partial areas between the connecting lines, the numbers 3 and 5 emerge, referring to the 35th anniversary of the programme. In a block of three to four lines of lettering arranged in a quarter circle at the bottom right, the commemorative period is written as "1987-2022" (the last number also designating the year of issue) below the occasion of issue, followed by the name of the issuing state, if this does not consist of an abbreviation placed in the centre of the motif.
National characteristics : The quarter circle at the bottom right has four lines; below the commemorative period, the issue occasion "ERASMUS PROGRAMME" is written in two lines, below which is the issuing country "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg). At the top left is a latent image of the monogram of Grand Duke Henri, as Luxembourg law does not allow a national coin to be issued without the effigy of the head of state (or at least not without his monogram). On the standard coins, a staff of Hermes is depicted at the bottom on the left sleeve as the mint mark of the Royal Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Houten. On coins in the proof production process a cornucopia is depicted at the bottom on the left sleeve as the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac on the left and the designer's signet next to it on the right. The coin is one of those with a more textured background.
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Luxembourg 24 Apr. 2023 175th anniversary of the Chamber of Deputies and of the First Constitution
29th coin in the Grand‐Ducal Dynasty series


Description : The German Revolution of 1848/1849, known as the 'March Revolution', also led to democratic reforms in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. In 1848, the Grand Duke approved a constitutional amendment that replaced the Estates Assembly with a freely elected Chamber of Deputies (Chambre des Députés) with massively expanded parliamentary powers. Although some of the reforms were reversed in the subsequent era of reaction, the election of the Chambre des Députés from 1919 onwards corresponded to modern democratic ideas: In addition to universal, free and equal suffrage, women's suffrage was introduced. The building designed by Antoine Hartmann as the Chamber of Deputies next to the Grand Ducal Palace in Luxembourg was inaugurated in 1860. The coin design, based on a design concept of the Luxembourg Central Bank (Banque Centrale du Luxembourg ‐ BCL), shows it next to the frontal portrait of Grand Duke Henri. Above and ‐ in vertically running script ‐ to the right is "1848 Chambre des Députés" (Chamber of Deputies). At the bottom "LUXEMBOURG" indicates the issuing country and below it the year of issue "2023". The mintmark next to the 4 o'clock star on the pill indicates the involed mint: For circulation coins, a cornucopia indicates the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac and the square logo indicates the French chief engraver Joaquin Jimenez; for coins in Coincards, which ‐ minted in normal relief ‐ show the minting grade mint gloss, the staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Royal Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandske Munt in Houten and a raven as the logo of the Dutch mintmaster Bert van Ravenswaaij. Coins offered in coin sets also bear the Dutch mint marks, but they were produced using the MPI (Minted Photo Image) minting technique. Coins produced in the proof production process show the "MK" between two embossing stamps, the mint mark of the Slovak mint Mincovňa Kremnica š.p. in Kremnica.
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Luxembourg 24 Apr. 2023 25th anniversary of the admission of Grand Duke Henri as a member of the International Olympic Committee
30th coin in the Grand‐Ducal Dynasty series


Description : The purpose of the International Olympic Committee, with its headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, is to organise and supervise the Summer and Winter Games. It holds the patronage of the Olympic Movement and claims all rights to the Olympic symbols and the Games themselves. Currently, the IOC has 99 voting regular members. Grand Duke Henri was appointed to the body in 1998. The coin, designed by Italian medallist Chiara Principe, is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Grand Duke Henri's admission as a member of the IOC. To the right of and above his portrait in three‐quarter profile, she has draped pictograms of four athletes from various Olympic disciplines and a stylised figure bearing the Olympic flame as part of the anniversary number "25". Above it is the year "1998" and below it the year of issue "2023". On the left, in vertical lines, the words "LËTZEBUERG" (Luxembourg) and "GROUSSHERZOG HENRI" (Grand Duke Henri) are written in two lines in Luxembourgish, and on the lower right, in three lines, "MEMBER VUM INTERNATIONALEN OLYMPESCHE KOMMITEE" (Member of the International Olympic Committee). Three overlapping circle segments suggesting the Olympic rings are visible below, with the ligature "CP" of the designer's initials in the middle segment. The mint mark visible in the right segment indicates involed mint: For circulation coins, a cornucopia indicates the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac and the square logo indicates the French chief engraver Joaquin Jimenez; for coins in Coincards, which ‐ minted in normal relief ‐ show the minting grade mint gloss, the staff of Hermes the mint mark of the Royal Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandske Munt in Houten and a raven as the logo of the Dutch mintmaster Bert van Ravenswaaij. Coins offered in coin sets also bear the Dutch mint marks, but they were produced using the MPI (Minted Photo Image) minting technique. Coins produced in the proof production process show the "MK" between two embossing stamps, the mint mark of the Slovak mint Mincovňa Kremnica š.p. in Kremnica.
Luxembourg 29 Jan. 2024 175th anniversary of the death of Grand Duke Guillaume II
31st coin in the Grand‐Ducal Dynasty series
20003 127,500  


Work in progress
Luxembourg 29 Jan. 2024 100th anniversary of the signing of the decree on the issue of the "Feierstëppler" coin by Grand Duchess Charlotte
32nd coin in the Grand‐Ducal Dynasty series
20003 127,500  


Work in progress
References :
20001 Images taken with authorisation by the ECB ‐ Mail dated 20.Feb.2020
© "European Central Bank"
20002 Data mirrored from Wikipedia Page "2_euro_commemorative_coins"
with friendly support of the guardians of that page.
20003 Images taken with authorisation by H....... Hamburg   20004 Coloured version of this Commemorative Coin in circulation
EU‐legal‐technical specifications do not recongnise colour prints, but the EU is tolerate them, due to the facts that their numbers are very small and that they are sold in special packs and therefor are very unlikely to be used as currency.
20005 enlarged Images taken with authorisation by Gerd Seyffert
© "Gerd Seyffert 2021"
20006 Not Applicable  
20007 Images taken by Münzen Kreuzberg
© "Münzen Kreuzberg 2021"
20008 enlarged Images taken by Münzen Kreuzberg
© "Münzen Kreuzberg 2021"
20009 Text with kind permission by Gerd Seyffert
© "Gerd Seyffert 2023"
20010 Not Applicable