C o m m e m o r a t i v e    C o i n s  
The edge lettering on the French 2‐Euro‐commemorative coins is :

French mint mark :
Image Country Date Feature Ref. Volume  
France 02 Apr. 2007 50th anniversary of the Signature of the Treaty of Rome 20001


Description : The Treaty establishing the European Community, called the Treaty of Rome (originally called the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community and renamed the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union in December 2009) was signed on 25 March 1957 by Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands at the Conservatory Palace in Rome. It came into force on 1st of January 1958. At the same time two other treaties were concluded, the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, which established EURATOM, and the Agreement on Institutions Common to the European Communities, which stipulated that the European Economic Community (EEC), the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) and the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) had a common parliamentary assembly (now the European Parliament), a common Court of Justice and a common Economic and Social Committee. On the 5th of May 2006, EU Commissioner Joaquín Almunia and Eurogroup President Jean‐Claude Juncker announced the first transnational 2‐Euro commemorative coin to mark the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. The directors of the Italian mint Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, the Spanish mint Real Casa de la Moneda and the Austrian Mint Münze Österreich AG met in Vienna to exchange ideas. The ideas were presented and amalgamated into a design by the commissioned engraver Helmut Andexlinger, after approval he produced a model of the coin. It shows the treaty with the signatures of the representatives from the six founding states, framed by the pavement pattern of the Capitol Square in Rome, designed by Michelangelo where the treaty was signed.
National characteristics : At the top are the words "TRAITÉ DE ROME" (Treaty of Rome) and "50 ANS" (50 years), below it is an illustration of the treaty with the words "EUROPE", at the bottom is the country name "RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE" (French Republic) and above it the year "2007", flanked on the left by a cornucopia, the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac and on the right by a hunting horn with the sign of the zodiac of Pisces, the logo of the mint master Hubert Larivière.
France 01 Jul. 2008 French Presidency of the Council of the European Union 20001


Description : Following the Euro‐Mediterranean Partnership launched in Barcelona in 1995, the Mediterranean Union was founded during France's Presidency in 2008. The coin design by Philippe Starck shows the year of issue "2008" and below it (in four lines) the theme "PRÉSIDENCE FRANÇAISE UNION EUROPÉENNE" (French Presidency of the European Union). Below this is the country abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic) and at the bottom left a cornucopia, the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Pessac, and to the right a hunting horn with the sign of the zodiac for Pisces, the logo of the acting mint master Hubert Larivière. On behalf of the European Commission, 5,000 copies of this coin, coloured yellow throughout on the motif side, were produced in numbered blister packs and distributed to EU staff ‐ the first coloured euro circulation coins. A Commission Recommendation issued in 2010 reads "Member States should not encourage, but tolerate, damage to euro coins for artistic purposes. Coins damaged in this way should be considered unfit for circulation.
France 23 Jan. 2009 10 years of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) 20001


Description : In 1972 the European Exchange Rate Mechanism was created to limit fluctuations between currencies. In 1975 a basket of currencies was used to define the European Currency Unit (ECU) and in 1979 the European Monetary System was created. 1990 saw the start of the first stage of European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and in 1994 the second stage, during which the European Monetary Institute prepared for the establishment of the European Central Bank (ECB). In 1996 the European Commission established the currency abbreviation €. In 1999, saw the third stage of EMU, all participating currencies were linked to the euro by exchange rate parity. In 2008 a design competition was held for the EMU Community Edition coin and out of 5 proposals a winner, Georgios Stamatopoulos was determined by an online vote. The design shows a stylised human stick figure on the blank space of an irregularly shaped ancient coin, with the € symbol on the left arm. It symbolises the transition from the bartering of archaic times to European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Below the € symbol are the designer's initials "ΓΣ" and the years "1999‐2009".
National characteristics : Above is the name of the issuing country "RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE" (French Republic), the acronym of the occasion of issue below is "UEM", flanked on the left by a cornucopia, the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac. To the right of the year "2009" is a hunting horn with the sign of the zodiac Pisces, the logo of the mint master Hubert Larivières.
France 25 May 2010 70th anniversary of the Appeal of June the 18th 1940 by de Gaulle 20001


Description : The coin, designed by Nicolas Cazan, is supposed to show General Charles de Gaulle (1890‐1970) addressing the French people via a British BBC radio studio on the 18th of June 1940, calling for resistance against the German Reich. However, the image illustrates a photographic copy of a document dated 30th of October 1941. At the top of the motif is the year of issue "2010", flanked on the left by a cornucopia, the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac and on the right by a hunting horn with the sign of the zodiac for Pisces, the logo of mint master Hubert Larivières. At the top right, in three lines is the reason of the issue "70 ANS APPEL 18 JUIN" (70th anniversary of the appeal of June the 18th) and at the bottom the country abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic).
France 21 Jun. 2011 30th anniversary of Fête de la Musique 20001


Description : Since 1982, French people have celebrated the annual Music Festival at the beginning of summer on the 21st of June, when amateur and professional musicians play in public streets and squares. The coin design by Fabienne Courtiade depicts revelers and musicians, a tenor saxophone and single notes. At the top right is the commemorative period "30e ANNIVERSAIRE" (30th Anniversary), in the centre the reason for the issue "Fête de la MUSIQUE 21 Juin" (Music Festival 21st of June) is depicted in three lines in irregular handwriting‐like characters, below it is the issue year "2011", flanked on the left by a cornucopia, the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac, on the right of it by a pentagon the logo of mint master Yves Sampo. At the bottom is "RF" the country abbreviation for (République française, French Republic).
France 05 Jan. 2012 10 years Euro‐Currency 20001


Description : To mark the tenth anniversary of the final adoption of the euro as cash, all 17 EU countries using the euro as their official currency issued a commemorative € 2 coin. There were five designs submitted, which could be voted for online. The result was announed on the 30th of June 2011: the winning design was created by Helmut Andexlinger and shows a globe in the middle, overlaid with the euro symbol. The importance of the euro in Europe and the world as a whole coupled with the fact that it has become a global player in the international monetary system over the last ten years, is illustrated by the euro symbol. According to the designer, the symbolic elements around the stylised globe represent the suggestion that the euro offers more opportunities for businesses and markets which in turn ensures economic stability by encouraging investment in this environment. The factory shape symbolises production, the cargo ship trade, all of which benefit the symbolic family of four with three homes by providing more quality jobs and stable consumer prices. The symbol of the Eurotower in Frankfurt/M. represents financial strength and the two wind turbines shows stimulation in innovative investments that this environment presents, whose central element is the euro. At the bottom of the coin are the years "2002 and "2012".
National characteristics : At the top of the coin is the name of the issuing country "RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE" (French Republic), followed by a cornucopia as the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac. A pentagon, the logo of mint master Yves Sampo is to the right of the year "2012".
France 24 Jun. 2012 100th birthday of Abbé Pierre 20001


Description : Henri Antoine Grouès (1912‐2007) was a popular French Catholic priest who founded the charity Emmaus. During the resistance in the Second World War he adopted his pseudonym Abbé Pierre. Next to Abbé Pierre's portrait, designed from a photograph, is his motto "Et les autres?" (And the others?), an appeal to helpfulness. The inscription "Centenaire de la naissance de l'abbé Pierre" (Abbé Pierre's centenary) is in a semicircle at the top. A pentagon, the logo of mint master and designer Yves Sampo, is below the year "2012". A cornucopia, the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac, is on the left of the coin next to the country abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic).
France 21 Jan. 2013 50 Years Élysée‐Treaty (Fanco‐German Friendship)
Common issue of France and Germany


Description : The Franco‐German Treaty of Friendship (Élysée Treaty) was signed on the 22nd of January 1963. The coin, issued jointly by France and Germany, shows on the left the then President of France, Charles de Gaulle (1890‐1970), and his signature, and on the right the then Chancellor of Germany, Konrad Adenauer (1876‐1967), and his signature. The coin was designed by Yves Sampo and Stefanie Lindner. The reason for this issue is at the top in French "TRAITÉ DE L'ÉLYSÉE", at the bottom in German "ÉLYSÉE‐VERTRAG", in the middle the anniversary "50" "ANS" "JAHRE" (50 years) together with the year of issue "2013".
On the left of the French coin there is a cornucopia, the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac, on the right above Adennauer's signature is a pentagon, the logo of mint master Yves Sampo and below the signature is the country abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic).
France 03 Jun. 2013 150th birthday of Pierre de Coubertin 20001


Description : Pierre de Frédy, Baron de Coubertin (1863‐1937) was a French educator, historian and sports official who from 1880 was involved in the revival of the Olympic Games. In 1894 he founded the International Olympic Committee (IOC), of which he was president from 1896 to 1925. On the 6th of April 1896, the first Olympic Games of modern times were opened in Athens. The Olympic rings, which became the symbol of the Olympic Games from 1920, were designed by Baron Coubertin himself in 1913. Coubertin's grave is in Lausanne, but his heart was buried in a memorial column in Olympia. Next to a portrait of Coubertin based on a photograph from 1894, four athletes from different disciplines depicted in stylised Olympic rings. At the top of the coin are the words "PIERRE DE COUBERTIN". To the bottom right is a pentagon, the logo of mint master and designer Yves Sampo, to the bottom left is a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac, above it is "2013" and the country abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic).
France 11 Jun. 2014 70th anniversary of the D‐Day Landings (June 6th 1944) 20001


Description : The lettering D‐DAY represents, stylised, a landing ship and a tank gun. On the 6th of June 1944, Operation Overlord began, opening a second front for the anti‐Hitler coalition. The landing of American, British, French, Canadian and Polish troops in Normandy went under the code name Operation Neptune. Below the inscription "70e ANNIVERSAIRE DU DÉBARQUEMENT" (70th anniversary of the Landings), are imprints of the soldiers' souls, blurred by a wave. The text "Les sanglots longs des violons de l'automne blessent mon coeur d'une langueur monotone" (The long sobs of the violins of autumn wound my heart with a monotonous melancholy) is the beginning of the poem Chanson d'automne by the French Symbolist lyricist Paul Verlaine (1844‐1896), written in 1866. The second verse of the poem served as code ("All choked and pale, when the hour strikes, I remember the former days, and I weep"), and is how the French Résistance was informed of the imminent start of the invasion in a Radio Londres broadcast. At the top of the coin are the years "1944‐2014", below "D" of D‐Day is the country abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic), at the bottom a cornucopia is the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac and to the right of it a pentagon, the logo of the mint master and designer Yves Sampo.
France 24 Nov. 2014 World‐AIDS‐Day 20001


Description : World AIDS Day is celebrated on the 1st of December each year. The Red Ribbon in the shape of the untwisted letter "V" is a symbol of the fight against AIDS was created by the artist group Visual Aids Artists Causus and the American painter Frank Moore. It is worn where the heart is on the body and symbolises solidarity with all AIDS patients. On the day the disease is finally conquered, the ribbon is to be turned around to represent "V" for "Victory". On the standard minting the ribbon is highlighted by vertical hatching with the red tincture (following the heraldic rules of tinting). On the 10,000 copies of both the die-bright and the proof mint, the ribbon has an embossed flat surface and is coloured red (see picture). At the top of the motif is the commemorative day "1er DÉCEMBRE" (1st of December), on the ribbons are the words "JOURNÉE MONDIAL CONTRE LA SIDA" (World AIDS Day) and at the bottom the country abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic) and the year of issue "2014". To th bottom on the left is a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac, a pentagon the logo of mint master Yves Sampo is shown on the right. The coin was designed by the Atelier de Gravures de la Monnaie de Paris (The Engraving and Tooling Workshop Paris).
France 30 Jan. 2015 70 years of peace in Europe 20001


Description : Seventy years after the end of the Second World War, peace and security reign in Europe, not least because Europeans created the European Union to ensure peace and prosperity ‐ incorporating different cultures, traditions and languages. Coin designer Joaquin Jimenez chose a dove of peace as the motif, carrying an olive branch in its beak, the leaves of which are shaped to form the twelve stars of the European flag. The 28 member states of the EU are represented by their country abbreviations. Towards the bottom left is a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac and below it a pentagon the logo of mint masterYves Sampo. At the bottom of the coin is the country abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic) and to the right the Star of Europe representing the Eurostar coin programme. On the right is the year of minting 2015 and below it the designer's logo a square.
France 22 Jul. 2015 225th anniversary of Fête de la Fédération (Federation Festival) 20001


Description : On the 14th of July 1790, the first anniversary of the storming of the Bastille, the Federation Festival was celebrated as an act of reconciliation and the unity of all French people. Louis XVI (1754‐1793), King of France and Navarre, swore by the nation and the law (he was deposed in 1792 during the French Revolution and beheaded by guillotine in 1793). In 1880, the 14th of July was declared a bank holiday ‐ a day that unites all French people and celebrates the Republic. The coin motif shows the profile of Marianne, national symbol of France, with a Jacobin cap and a circular badge worn on it with the colours of the tricolour (from the inside out: Blue‐White‐Red, represented by a hatching ‐ albeit stylised ‐ according to the heraldic rules of tinging. On the left is a stanza from the poem Liberté by the French poet Paul Éluard, written in 1942: "On all pages read / On all blank pages / Stone blood paper or ashes / I write your name". "Liberté" ‐ the motto of the French Republic ‐ is at the bottom of the coin, to the left of it is a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac together with a pentagon, the logo of mint master Yves Sampo, above the word "Liberté" is the year of issue "2015", the country abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic) next to it a square the logo of the designer Joaquin Jimenez. ‐ There are two minting versions, 20,000 of one of them has the three segments of the cockade with a flat surface in colour (see picture).
France 16 Nov. 2015 30 years EU‐Flag 20001


Description : From 1950, the Council of Europe had been working on the design of a flag for Europe. The proposal to adopt the emblem of the Paneuropa Union, founded by Richard Coudenhove‐Kalergi in 1922, was rejected because of its supposed Christian symbolism. In 1955 it was agreed that the European flag, also adopted by the European Community on 29th of June 1985, would be the European flag with the twelve (a number of twelve is considered a sign of perfection) golden stars in a circular (symbolising unity) arrangement on a blue background. To mark the 30th anniversary of the EU flag, all 19 EU countries which use the euro as their official currency issued a commemorative €2 coin. There were five designs to choose from which could be voted for online. The result was declared on 28th of May 2015. The coin design was created by Georgios Stamatopoulos, coin designer at the Bank of Greece, whose initials "ΓΣ" can be seen in the lower right‐hand corner. It shows twelve stylised persons in a circle around a European flag with the twelve euro stars.
National characteristics : Above is the name of the issuing country "RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE" (French Republic), followed by the dates "1985‐2015". On the right are a pentagon the logo of mint masterYves Sampo and a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac. There were 10,000 minted in the "mirror finish" and "proof" production process where the flag is coloured blue (see picture).
France 05 Feb. 2016 2016 UEFA European Football Championship 20001


Description : Called the "Euro", the European Men's Football Championship, which has been held every four years since 1960, was held in France from the 10th of June to the 10th of July 2016. The winning team received a miniature version of the trophy named after the competition's initiator, Henri Delaunay. The coin, designed by Miguel Viana, shows this Henri Delaunay Cup with the three‐line inscription "UEFA European Football Championship" superimposed on a stylised outline of France. On the left of the coin is a cornucopia, the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac and on the right a pentagon, the logo of mint master Yves Sampo. In the centre on the right are the letters "RF" for République française (French Republic), and at the top the name of the competition "UEFA EURO 2016 FRANCE". At the bottom a football is depicted. Around the outside of the motif some graphic elements symbolising the sporting competition, others the cultural nation of France (with the art movements Pontillism, Art déco and Art brut that originated there); the hexagons (jokingly) imitating the country shape stand for the host country France.
France 12 Sep. 2016 François Mitterand 20001


Description : The issue celebrates the 100th birthday and the 20th anniversary of the death of François Mitterand (1916‐1996), French President 1981‐1995. Joaquin Jimenez designed the coin after a photograph taken in 1984. On the right of the coin is a tree copied from the President's coat of arms, bearing oak leaves on the left and olive tree leaves on the right. The crown of the tree is emblazoned with an acorn on the left and an olive on the right. On the left is the year of birth "1916" and the year of issue, "2016". At the top in a semi circle is the name "FRANÇOIS MITTERAND". At the bottom the abbreviation of the issuing country "RF" (République française, French Republic), on the right is a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac together with a pentagon, the logo of mint master Yves Sampo.
France 03 Feb. 2017 Centenary of the death of Auguste Rodin 20001


Description : The coin designed by Joaquin Jimenez pays tribute to the famous French sculptor Auguste Rodin (1840‐1917), one of the most important representatives of realism. The Thinker, The Kiss, The Gates of Hell and The Burghers of Calais are among the timeless sculpture masterpieces. The coin motif shows Auguste Rodin, to a certain extent, forehead to forehead with his most famous work, The Thinker, created in 1880‐1882. The artist's beard bears his name "A. Rodin" and the centenary years "1917‐2017". At the top of the motif is the abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic), to the left is a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac and on the right by a pentagon, the logo of mint master Yves Sampo. At the bottom is the designer's logo.
France 25 Sep. 2017 25 years of Breast cancer awareness 20001


Description : Since the 1990s, the fight against breast cancer has been a major concern worldwide. This commemorative coin is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the symbol of this fight, the Pink Ribbon. Since 2004, a Pink Ribbon Prize ("Prix Ruban Rose") has been awarded annually in France to support breast cancer research and promote innovative treatment methods. The coin motif, a female breast symbolically protected by the ribbon and a hand, is surrounded on the right side by the inscription "25e ANNIVERSAIRE DU RUBAN ROSE" (25th Anniversary of the Pink Ribbon). Next to it (from top to bottom) is a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac, the years "1992" and "2017", the abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic) and a pentagon the logo of mint master Yves Sampo. The coin was designed by Joaquin Jimenez. 10,000 examples of the coin produced as proofs were coloured (see picture).
France 19 Feb. 2018 "Bleuet de France" (The French Cornflower of Remembrance) 20001


Description : The symbolic "Bleuet de France" (French Cornflower of Remembrance), the flower of remembrance and solidarity which France uses to commemorate the war victims, widows, orphans and veterans of the First World War called "Grande Guerre". Suzanne Leonhardt, head nurse at the home for disabled soldiers, the Hôtel des Invalides, and Charlotte Malleterre worked to rehabilitate the disabled and had these cornflowers made from handkerchiefs which have been sold since 1916. The flower thus became a symbol of moral and financial support for veterans and war victims together with a reminder of the entire French nation's soldiers fight for country, ideals and a reminder of peace, respect and tolerance. Gaston Doumergue, President during the Third Republic, took over the patronage of the "Bleuet de France" in 1928. Today, the commemoration is for all those who fought or are fighting for freedom, as well as for the victims of terrorism. The cornflower, the central motif of the coin designed by Joaquin Jimenez, is surrounded by the inscription "Le Bleuet de France, fleur de mémoire et de solitarité" (The cornflower of France, flower of remembrance and solidarity). Below it are the country abbreviations "R" and "F" (République française, French Republic) and the dates "1918‐2018" and above them a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac and a pentagon the logo of mint master Yves Sampo. The flag of France, called "Tricolore", is depicted as background, which is tinted following heraldic rules, : left horizontal hatching = blue, centre smooth = white, right vertical hatching = red. 10,000 copies were produced in the proof manufacturing process and coloured (see picture) some being packed in coincards. There are two minting variants, with and without (also coloured) the two vertical lines separating the segments of the Tricolour in the background.
France 26 Jun. 2018 Simone Veil 20001


Description : The coin motif shows a portrait of Simone Veil (1927‐2017), a leading figure in the fight for women's rights in France. She brought about the legalisation of abortion, which was passed in 1975 by a French law named after her. Simone Veil née Jacob survived deportation to the Auschwitz‐Birkenau concentration camp and later became one of the most important figures in the advancement of Europe ‐ she was the first President of the elected European Parliament from 1979 to 1982. In 2008, she became a member of the Académie Française (French Acadamy). On the 1st of July 2018 the remains of Simone Veil and her husband Antoine Veil were moved from the Cimetiére Montparnasse to the French Panthéon Hall of Fame. In the top left of of the motif are the inscriptions "SIMONE VEIL" and "1927‐2017". In the depicted plenary hall of the European Parliament in Strasbourg are the country abbreviations "RF" (République française, French Republic) and the year of issue "2018", below it the year "1975" symbolising the introduction of Veil Law ("Loi Veil"), to the right her tattooed concentration camp prisoner number "78651", next to it a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac, together with a pentagon the logo of mint master Yves Sampo and above it a square logo of the designer Joaquin Jimenez.
France 06 Jun. 2019 60th anniversary of the creation of Astérix 20001


Description : Astérix, created in 1959 by author René Goscinny (1926‐1977) and illustrator Albert Uderzo (1927‐2020), became the most successful French comic series. Astérix, the quintessential Gaul, embodies the Frenchman with his intelligence and shrewdness. His illustrator Albert Uderzo himself designed the commemorative coin, on which the profile of Asterix under the winged helmet is surrounded by semi‐circular ‐ (irregularly shaped stones resembling) ‐ dots above and a laurel wreath as a symbol of glory, victory and peace. Underneath "ASTÉRIX" is the country abbreviation "RF" (République fançaise, French Republic), towards the bottom left is a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac, a pentagon the logo of mint master Yves Sampo, the occasion of issue "LX ANS" (60 years) and the year "MMXIX" in Roman numerals as in Arabic numerals "2019".
France 10 Oct. 2019 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall
Joint issue of Germany and France


Description : The coin commemorates the opening of the Berlin Wall on the 9th of November 1989. The fall of the Wall opened the way for the reunification of Germany in freedom and democracy. It symbolically ended not only the division of Germany, but also of Europe and the world, and marked the end of the Cold War ‐ thus a historical event of global significance. This significant change was sealed by the Two Plus Four Treaty, which cleared the way for the reunification of Germany on the 3rd of October 1990. The coin is a joint issue of France and Germany and shows the Berlin Wall opened in the middle, crossed by three peace doves and a cheering crowd. In the background is the Brandenburg Gate as a symbol of Berlin and on the wall segment on the right is a detail (albeit reversed) of the 37.20 m x 3.60 m painting We Are One People, created by Shamil Gimajev in 1990. Deviations in the design exist with regard to the country code at the bottom right, "D" (Deutschland, Federal Republic of Germany) or "RF" (République française, French Republic), the mint mark as well as the text element inserted into the collage. The occasion in French and German "30 ANS LA CHUTE MUR DE BERLIN" "30 JAHRE MAUERFALL" (30th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall) is shown on the left. At the bottom is the year of issue "2019" and, in the French variant a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac. On the right a pentagon the logo of mint master Yves Sampo and above it the square logo of the mint designer Joaquin Jimenez.
France 31 Jan. 2020 Charles de Gaulle 20001


Description : Charles de Gaulle is depicted twice on the coin: in the background as a general who led the resistance of Free French against the German occupation during the Second World War. Due to his appeal and to commemorate the famous broadcast made on BBC radio on the 18th of June 1940, the number of coins minted was ‐ 18,061,940. In the foreground, de Gaulle is depicted at an advanced age as President of France (1959‐1969). On the left, the emblem of the Forces françaises libres (Forces for a Free France) chosen by de Gaulle, a patriarchal cross known as the Cross of Lorraine, forms the background for the "F" of the country's abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic) togetherwith de Gaulle's lifespan, "1890" to "1970", as well as the year of issue, "2020". To the bottom right is inscribed "Charles de Gaulle", at the bottom (from left to right) is a square the logo of the coin designer Joaquin Jimenez, a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac and a pentagon the logo of mint master Yves Sampo.
France 27 Oct. 2020 Medical Research 20002


Description : The COVID‐19 pandemic focused public interest on medical research. Frenchwoman Emmanuelle Charpentier was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry ‐ coincidentally the day after the coin was presented ‐ for developing the "gene editing" CHRISPR. The coin design by Joaquin Jimenez, depicts the profile of a woman surrounded by a stylised globe while looking at the microcosm, the DNA double helix evokes associations with the prize. To the upper left is the word "UNION" (community), this is linked with the letters of the words DÉVOUEMENT, ENGAGEMENT, BIENVAILLANCE, PROTECTION, GÉNÉROSITÉ (selflessness, commitment, benevolence, protection and generosity) on one of the coin cards. This is to honour the work of researchers, doctors and carers during the pandemic. At the top is the country abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic), towards the bottom left is the year of issue "2020". Below it is a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac as well as the square logo of the coin designer and a pentagon, the logo of mint master Yves Sampo.
France 20 Feb. 2021 75th anniversary of UNICEF 20002


Description : In 1946, the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) was founded to help children in Europe after the Second World War it was renamed the United Nations Children's Fund in 1953. Today the children's relief organisation works primarily in developing countries supporting children and mothers in approximately 190 countries in the areas of health, family planning, hygiene, nutrition as well as education and provides humanitarian aid in emergency situations. The coin, designed by Joaquin Jimenez, shows a globe made up out of puzzle pieces and holding it two children's hands, which also illustrate the connection between connecting elements. On the globe Europe, North Africa and Greenland are visible. At the bottom left and right, two olive tree branches depicting peace (they also appear in the organisation's logo). At the top is "UNICEF" and below it "1946‐2021" and "POUR CHAQUE ENFANT" (for every child). The reason for the issue is described in the inscription "75 ANS" (75 years). At the bottom right is the country abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic), below it is a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac and the designer's logo.
France 27 Sep. 2021 Marianne and the race ‐ Eiffel Tower
1st coin in the series on the Olympic Summer Games Paris 2024


Description : Paris will host the Summer Olympic Games for the third time (previously in 1900 and 1924) from the 26th of July to the 11th of August 2024. A four‐part coin series was planned dedicated to this event, the first part was the handing over of the Olympic flag, which was carried out at the closing ceremony of the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo on the 8th of August 2021. Instead, Marianne ‐ sprinting in classical style as a reference to the ancient Olympic Games ‐ is depicted, the national figure of the French Republic, wearing a Phrygian cap. In the background the Eiffel Tower, the Parisian landmark, and the running tracks of the Stade de France are depicted, the stadium will serve as the Olympic venue in 2024. The logo of the Olympic games is depicted on the top left, with the country abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic) below it. At the bottom of the coin is "2021", flanked on the left by a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac and on the right by the square logo of the French chief engraver and coin designer Joaquin Jimenez.
France 25 Jan. 2022 90th birthday of former President Jacques Chirac 20002


Work in progress
France 05 Jul. 2022 35th anniversary of the Erasmus Program 20003


Description : ERASMUS is a backronym for EuRopean Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students. The ERASMUS exchange programme is aimed at EU citizens who have been studying at a university for at least one year and supports a three to twelve‐month stay abroad at a university within the EU, or an internship. In addition, there are master's and doctoral programmes, programmes for young entrepreneurs, for school education, vocational training and adult education. Internships as well as professional development measures are financially supported and language courses abroad are also made possible for working people. The backronym refers to the Dutch philosopher and theologian Erasmus of Rotterdam (∼1466‐1536), described as "the crowning glory of the Christian humanists", depicted after a painting by Hans Holbein the Younger created in 1523. The French coin designer Joaquin Jimenez, whose initials "J.J." appear next to Erasmus' pen, has designed as a background a network of connecting lines between the twelve stars arranged in a circle and symbolising Europe, which is intended to represent the manifold intellectual and human exchanges between European students. By relieving some partial areas between the connecting lines, the numbers 3 and 5 emerge, referring to the 35th anniversary of the programme. In a block of three to four lines of lettering arranged in a quarter circle at the bottom right, the commemorative period is written as "1987-2022" (the last number also designating the year of issue) below the occasion of issue, followed by the name of the issuing state, if this does not consist of an abbreviation placed in the centre of the motif.
National characteristics : The country abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic) is placed centrally below the centre line. The quarter circle at the bottom right has three lines; below the commemorative period, is the issue occasion "ERASMUS PROGRAMME" (in English). At the bottom on the left sleeve is a cornucopia as the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac on the left and the designer's signet next to it on the right. The coin is one of those with a more textured background.
France 22 Sep. 2022 The Genius and the discus throw ‐ Arc de Triomphe
2nd coin in the series on the Olympic Summer Games Paris 2024


Work in progress
France 10 Jan. 2023 The Sower and the fist fighting ‐ Pont Neuf
3rd coin in the series on the Olympic Summer Games Paris 2024


Description : La Semeuse (The Sower) is a French allegory invented by Oscar Roty around 1887. The young woman in a Phrygian cap sowing seeds at sunrise became over time one of the symbols of the French Republic, depicted in particular on coins. On the third commemorative coin, dedicated to the Summer Olympics to be held in Paris in 2024, the sowing woman is depicted in the pose of a pugilist, wearing modern boxing gloves. Pugilism was first a discipline at the 23rd Ancient Olympics in 688 BC. The logo of the Games, "PARiS 2024" and the five Olmpic rings are depicted on the right, integrated into the running tracks concentrically surrounding the motif in the background of the national stadium Stade de France, which opened in 1998 and seats 75,000 spectators for athletics. The architectural motif of the coin is the Pont Neuf (New Bridge), built under King Henry IV from 1578 to 1607, which crosses the western tip of the Île de la Cité (City Island) lying in the Seine near the Louvre Palace, with the Place Dauphine (Square of the Successor to the Throne), whose peripheral buildings are visible above the bridge on the left. "2023" is shown as the year of issue on the right‐hand arch of the bridge, the country abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic) is on the left. A cornucopia is depicted at the bottom left as the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac, and at the bottom right the square mintmaster's mark of the French chief engraver and coin designer Joaquin Jimenez.
France 04 Jul. 2023 Rugby Union World Cup ‐ France 2023 20003


Description : Rugby, a team sport that originated in England together with football and is played with a ball in the shape of an elongated ellipsoid of revolution, was, according to legend, first practised in 1823 at the private boarding school 'Rugby School' in the town of Rugby (Warwickshire). In 1845, the first sporting rules were written down by students there. From Rugby, the sport spread not only to public schools in England, but further afield in the British Empire. In 1895, clubs from working‐class areas in the north of England left the Rugby Football Union and founded an association that has been called the Rugby Football League since 1922 and plays according to different rules with 13 players each (also widespread in Australia, apart from the area of origin in the north of England). 15‐a‐side rugby was an Olympic discipline in 1900, 1908, 1920 and 1924; since 2016, 7‐a‐side rugby, played according to the classic Rugby Union rules, has been part of the Olympic programme. World 15s Rugby Championships have been held every four years since 1987 ‐ this year from the 8th of September to the 28th of October. After 2007, France will host for the second time in 2023. Coin designer Joaquin Jimenez has depicted a stylised rugby player in full run, with a ball in his hands. The field of play appears like the cap of a globe represented by circles of longitude and latitude, delimited by the two goals formed by two tall vertical poles and a cross pole each. The background is a firmament of radiating dots and two rugby‐shaped planets, one of them surrounded by rings like Saturn. At the top, the occasion of issue is written in a semicircle ‐ as well as in three lines at the bottom left (below the logo of the event) ‐ "COUPE DU MONDE RUGBY FRANCE 2023" (Rugby World Cup France 2023). On the bottom right is the country abbreviation "RF" (République française, French Republic), flanked on the left by a cornucopia the mint mark of the French mint Monnaie de Paris in Plessac and on the right by the logo of the designer.
France 09 Jan. 2024 Herkules and the wrestling match ‐ Notre Dame
4th coin in the series on the Olympic Summer Games Paris 2024
20003 510,000  


Work in progress
France 04 Jun. 2024 Olympic and Paraolympic Games in Paris 2024 20003 24,034,000  


Work in progress
References :
20001 Images taken with authorisation by the ECB ‐ Mail dated 20.Feb.2020
© "European Central Bank"
20002 Data mirrored from Wikipedia Page "2_euro_commemorative_coins"
with friendly support of the guardians of that page.
20003 Images taken with authorisation by H....... Hamburg   20004 Coloured version of this Commemorative Coin in circulation
EU‐legal‐technical specifications do not recongnise colour prints. The EU nevertheless tolerates them, as their numbers are very small and they are sold in special packs and therefor are very unlikely to be used as currency.
20005 enlarged Images taken with authorisation by Gerd Seyffert
© "Gerd Seyffert 2021"
20006 Not Applicable  
20007 Images taken by Münzen Kreuzberg
© "Münzen Kreuzberg 2021"
20008 enlarged Images taken by Münzen Kreuzberg
© "Münzen Kreuzberg 2021"
20009 Text with kind permission by Gerd Seyffert
© "Gerd Seyffert 2023"
20010 Not Applicable