C o m m e m o r a t i v e    C o i n s  
The edge lettering on the Dutch 2‐Euro‐commemorative coins is :

(God be with us)
Dutch mint mark :
Image Country Feature Ref.  
Netherlands 50th anniversary of the Signature of the Treaty of Rome 20001

Technical Details :
Volume : 6,355,500
Date of Issue : 26 Mar. 2007
Designer : Helmut Andexlinger
Mintmaster : Maarten Brouwer (Mintmark = the sails of the three‐mast clipper Nederland)
Producer : Royal Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht (Mintmark = the staff of Hermes)
Netherlands 10 years of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) 20001

Technical Details :
Volume : 5,313,500
Date of Issue : 07 Jan. 2009
Designer : Georgios Stamatopoulos ("ΓΣ")
Mintmaster : Maarten Brouwer (Mintmark = the sails of the three‐mast clipper Nederland)
Producer : Royal Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht (Mintmark = the staff of Hermes)
Netherlands 500th anniversary of the Publication of The Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus 20001  

Technical Details :
Volume : 4,000,000
Date of Issue : 24 Jan. 2011
Designer : Dylan Shields
Mintmaster : Maarten Brouwer (Mintmark = the sails of the three‐mast clipper Nederland)
Producer : Royal Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht (Mintmark = the staff of Hermes)
Netherlands 10 years Euro‐Currency 20001

Technical Details :
Volume : 3,500,000
Date of Issue : 13 Feb. 2012
Designer : Helmut Andexlinger
Mintmaster : Maarten Brouwer (Mintmark = the sails of the three‐mast clipper Nederland)
Producer : Royal Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht (Mintmark = the staff of Hermes)
Netherlands The announcement of the abdiction of the throne
by Her Majesty Queen Beatrix

Technical Details :
Volume : 20,000,000
Date of Issue : 07 Feb. 2013
Designer : Pannos Goutzemisis
Mintmaster : Maarten Brouwer (Mintmark = the sails of the three‐mast clipper Nederland)
Producer : Royal Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht (Mintmark = the staff of Hermes)
Netherlands 200th anniversary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 20001  

Technical Details :
Volume : 3,538,000
Date of Issue : 25 Nov. 2013
Designer : Roosje Klap and Claudia Linders ("RK" mirrowed and "CL")
Mintmaster : Maarten Brouwer (Mintmark = the sails of the three‐mast clipper Nederland)
Producer : Royal Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht (Mintmark = the staff of Hermes)
Netherlands The official farewell to the former Queen Beatrix 20001  

Technical Details :
Volume : 5,291,000
Date of Issue : 22 May 2014
Designer : Pannos Goutzemisis
Mintmaster : Maarten Brouwer (Mintmark = the sails of the three‐mast clipper Nederland)
Producer : Royal Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht (Mintmark = the staff of Hermes)
Netherlands 30 years EU‐Flag 20001

Technical Details :
Volume : 1,000,000
Date of Issue : 13 Oct. 2015
Designer : Georgios Stamatopoulos ("ΓΣ")
Mintmaster : Maarten Brouwer (Mintmark = the sails of the three‐mast clipper Nederland)
Producer : Royal Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht (Mintmark = the staff of Hermes)
Netherlands 35th anniversary of the Erasmus Program 20001

Technical Details :
Volume : 577,500
Date of Issue : 01 Jul. 2022
Designer : Joaquin Jimenez
Mintmaster : Bert van Ravenswaaij (Mintmark = raven)
Producer : Royal Dutch mint Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht (Mintmark = the staff of Hermes)
References :
20001 Images taken with authorisation by the ECB ‐ Mail dated 20.Feb.2020
© "European Central Bank"
20002 Not Applicable  
20003 Images taken temporally from the Internet 20004 Not Applicable